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1 | speaker | titulo | categoria |
2 | David Asperó | Around (*) | Set Theory and its Interactions |
3 | Dana Bartosova | Group operations and universal minimal flows | Set Theory and its Interactions |
4 | Lucia Junqueira | Preservation of some covering properties by elementary submodels | Set Theory and its Interactions |
5 | Osvaldo Guzmán | The Katetov order on MAD families | Set Theory and its Interactions |
6 | Carlos Martinez-Ranero | Hereditary interval algebras and cardinal characteristics of the continuum | Set Theory and its Interactions |
7 | Samaria Montenegro | Groups definable in partial differential fields with an automorphism | Set Theory and its Interactions |
8 | Pedro Sánchez Terraf | Some lessons after the formalization of the ctm approach to forcing | Set Theory and its Interactions |
9 | Giorgio Venturi | On non-classical models of ZFC | Set Theory and its Interactions |
10 | José Bastidas | Hopf monoids of type B, their antipode and examples | Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones |
11 | Laura Colmenarejo | Chromatic symmetric functions for Dyck paths and \(q\)-rook theory | Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones |
12 | Shu Xiao Li | Peak algebra for combinatorial Hopf algebras | Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones |
13 | Rosa C. Orellana | A multiset partition algebra | Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones |
14 | Mario Sanchez | Valuations and the Hopf Monoid of Generalized Permutahedra | Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones |
15 | Ernesto Vallejo | Computation of Kronecker coefficients | Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones |
16 | Anna E. Weigand | The Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity of Matrix Schubert Varieties | Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones |
17 | Martha Yip | Chromatic symmetric homology for graphs: some new developments | Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones |
18 | Verónica Becher | Random! | Lógica y Computación |
19 | Emmanuel Beffara | Relating logical approaches to concurrent computation | Lógica y Computación |
20 | Gilles Dowek | A framework to express the axioms of mathematics | Lógica y Computación |
21 | Peter Dybjer | Generalized Algebraic Theories and Categories with Families | Lógica y Computación |
22 | Antonio Montalbán | On the instability of the consistency operator | Lógica y Computación |
23 | Pierre-Marie Pédrot | Readers by name, presheaves by value | Lógica y Computación |
24 | Benoît Valiron | Reversible computation and quantum control | Lógica y Computación |
25 | Dennis Sullivan | Discretization of euclidean space ,vector calculus and 3D incompressible fluids | Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology |
26 | Imma Gálvez-Carrillo | Objective combinatorial bialgebras through decomposition spaces | Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology |
27 | Julie Bergner | Variants of the Waldhausen S-construction | Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology |
28 | Angélica Osorno | Transfer systems and weak factorization systems | Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology |
29 | Matías del Hoyo | Classifying stacky vector bundles | Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology |
30 | Marco Perez | Cut cotorsion pairs | Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology |
31 | Ralph Kaufmann | Hopf and Bialgebras in Algebra, Topology and Physics | Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology |
32 | Ernesto Lupercio | Remarks concerning moduli spaces in quantum toric geometry | Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology |
33 | Evelyn Cueva | Synergistic multi-spectral CT reconstruction with directional total variation | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
34 | Lilí Guadarrama | Bayesian Approach Helmholtz Inverse Problem | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
35 | Benjamín Palacios | Partial data Photoacoustic Tomography in unbounded domains | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
36 | Liliane Basso Barichello | Particle Source Estimation via Analytical Formulations of the Adjoint Flux | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
37 | Abdon Choque Rivero | Inverse scattering for the Jacobi system using input data containing transmission eigenvalues | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
38 | Juan Carlos Muñoz Grajales | Identificación del coeficiente de velocidad local en un modelo bi-direccional para la propagación de ondas en la superficie de un canal con fondo variable | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
39 | Ruben D. Spies | Joint curvature-driven diffusion and weighted anisotropic total variation regularization for local inpainting | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
40 | Vinicus V. Albani | A Splitting Strategy for the Calibration of Jump-Diffusion Models | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
41 | Matias Courdurier | Lipschitz Stability for the Backward Heat Equation and its application to Lightsheet Fluorescence Microscopy | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
42 | Fernando Moura da Silva | Anatomical atlas of the upper part of the human head for electroencephalography and bioimpedance applications | Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones |
43 | Marco Avella Medina | Differentially private inference via noisy optimization | Estadística Matemática |
44 | Karine Bertin | Adaptive regression with Brownian path covariate | Estadística Matemática |
45 | Ana M. Bianco | Adjusting ROC curves for covariates: a robust approach | Estadística Matemática |
46 | Holger Cevallos-Valdiviezo | Least trimmed squares estimators for functional principal component analysis | Estadística Matemática |
47 | Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira | A non-asymptotic analysis of certain high-dimensional estimators for the mean | Estadística Matemática |
48 | Ramsés Mena Chávez | Stick-breaking priors via dependent length variables | Estadística Matemática |
49 | Mayte Suarez-Farinas | Modelling in pandemic times: using smart watch data for early detection of COVID-19 | Estadística Matemática |
50 | Bernardo Uribe | On the evenness conjecture for equivariant unitary bordism | Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos |
51 | Carlos Segovia | Extending free group action on surfaces | Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos |
52 | Eric G. Samperton | When does a free action of a finite group on a surface extend to a (possibly non-free) action on a 3-manifold? | Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos |
53 | Rubén A. Hidalgo | The Loch Ness Monster as Homology Covers | Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos |
54 | Sam Nariman | Diffeomorphisms of reducible three manifolds and bordisms of group actions on torus | Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos |
55 | Noé Bárcenas | Stolz' Positive scalar curvature surgery exact sequence and low dimensional group homology | Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos |
56 | Quitzeh Morales | Signature of manifold with single fixed point set of an abelian normal group | Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos |
57 | Alice Kimie Miwa Libardi | \(Z_p\)-bordism and the mod(\(p\))-Borsuk-Ulam Theorem | Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos |
58 | Jiao He | Regularity criteria for weak solutions to the three-dimensional MHD system | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
59 | Oscar Jarrín | On the infinite energy weak solutions for the MHD equations | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
60 | Fernando Cortez | Long-time asymptotics for a damped Navier-Stokes-Bardina model | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
61 | Juan Mayorga | Compact embeddings of p-Sobolev-like cones of nuclear operators | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
62 | Ademir Pastor | Scattering for quadratic-type Schrödinger systems in dimension five without mass-resonance | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
63 | Fábio Natali | Stability of smooth periodic traveling waves in the Camassa-Holm equation | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
64 | Ramón G. Plaza | Spectral stability of monotone traveling fronts for reaction diffusion-degenerate Nagumo equations | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
65 | Luiz Gustavo Farah | Blow-up solutions of the intercritical inhomogeneous NLS equation | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
66 | Michal Kowalczyk | A sufficient condition for asymptotic stability of kinks in general (1+1)-scalar field models | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
67 | Chulkwang Kwak | Korteweg de-Vries limit for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam System | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
68 | Hanne Van Den Bosch | Spectral stability in the nonlinear Dirac equation with Soler type nonlinearity. | Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica |
69 | Gabriela Araujo-Pardo | Complete colorings on circulant graphs and digraphs | Combinatoria |
70 | Charles J. Colbourn | Fault Localization via Combinatorial Testing | Combinatoria |
71 | Mitre Dourado | On the \(\Delta\)-interval and \(\Delta\)-convexity numbers of graphs and graph products | Combinatoria |
72 | Adriana Hansberg | Unavoidable patterns | Combinatoria |
73 | Carlos Hoppen | Approximating graph eigenvalues using tree decompositions | Combinatoria |
74 | Thais Bardini Idalino | Fault tolerance in cryptography using cover-free families | Combinatoria |
75 | Jonathan Jedwab | Perfect sequence covering arrays | Combinatoria |
76 | Sulamita Klein | The status of the \((r, l)\) well-covered graph sandwich problem | Combinatoria |
77 | Martín Matamala | Counting Segment, Rays, Lines in Quasimetric spaces | Combinatoria |
78 | Franco Robledo | Uniformly Optimally-Reliable Graphs | Combinatoria |
79 | Martín Safe, | Circularly compatible ones, \(D\)-circularity, and proper circular-arc bigraphs | Combinatoria |
80 | Maya Stein | Active clustering | Combinatoria |
81 | Gabriela Armentano | Aproximación unificada del problema acoplado de Stokes-Darcy | Análisis Numérico |
82 | Pablo Blanco | Transversally-Enriched Pipe Element Method: an efficient approach for computational hemodynamics | Análisis Numérico |
83 | Juan Pablo Borthagaray | Local error estimates for nonlocal problems | Análisis Numérico |
84 | Jessika Camaño | A priori and a posteriori error analysis of a momentum conservative mixed-FEM for the stationary Navier-Stokes problem | Análisis Numérico |
85 | Eduardo Garau | A fully discrete adaptive scheme for parabolic equations | Análisis Numérico |
86 | Alexandre Madureira | LSD for multiscale problems | Análisis Numérico |
87 | David Mora | Virtual Element Spectral Analysis for the Transmission Eigenvalue Problem. | Análisis Numérico |
88 | Enrique Otárola | Analysis and approximation of fluids under singular forcing | Análisis Numérico |
89 | Noelia Belén Rios | Mínimos locales de problemas tipo Procusto en la variedad de matrices positivas | Análisis Funcional y Geometría |
90 | Alexander Cardona | On \(\lambda\)-Rings of Pseudo-differential Operators | Análisis Funcional y Geometría |
91 | Juan Carlos Alvarez-Paiva | El cuarto problema de Hilbert para analistas | Análisis Funcional y Geometría |
92 | Alejandra Maestripieri | Productos de operadores positivos | Análisis Funcional y Geometría |
93 | María José Benac | Diseño óptimo de multicompletaciones con restricciones de norma | Análisis Funcional y Geometría |
94 | Daniel Beltita | From closures of unitary group actions to groupoid actions | Análisis Funcional y Geometría |
95 | Nestor Guillen | A nonlocal Jacobian equation? | Análisis Funcional y Geometría |
96 | Santiago Simanca | Constant scalar curvature, scalar flat, and Einstein metrics | Análisis Funcional y Geometría |
97 | Paula Balseiro | Conserved quantities and the existence of (twisted) Poisson brackets in nonholonomic mechanics | Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones |
98 | María Barbero Liñán | From retraction maps to geometric integrators for optimal control problems | Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones |
99 | Santiago Capriotti | Relación entre la teoría de campos de Chern-Simons y relatividad general en dimensión \(3\), desde el punto de vista de los problemas variacionales de Griffiths | Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones |
100 | Sergio Grillo | Lie group's exponential curves and the Hamilton-Jacobi theory | Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones |
101 | Alessia Mandini | Null hyperpolygons and quasi-parabolic Higgs bundles | Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones |
102 | Juan Carlos Marrero | Kinetic nonholonomic dynamics is neither Hamiltonian nor variational and however... | Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones |
103 | David Martín de Diego | Discrete variational calculus and accelerated methods in optimization | Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones |
104 | Marcela Zuccalli | Sobre sistemas mecánicos discretos forzados y la reducción de Routh discreta | Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones |
105 | María Chara | The conorm code of an AG-code | Teoría de códigos y temas afines |
106 | Sueli I. R. Costa | Laticce codes | Teoría de códigos y temas afines |
107 | Marcelo Firer | The Generalized Covering Radii of Codes | Teoría de códigos y temas afines |
108 | Ismael Gutiérrez | A novel version of group codes | Teoría de códigos y temas afines |
109 | Grasiele C. Jorge | Direct sum of Barnes-Wall lattices via totally real number fields | Teoría de códigos y temas afines |
110 | Horacio Navarro | AG codes, bases of Riemann-Roch spaces and Weierstrass semigroups | Teoría de códigos y temas afines |
111 | Denis Videla | The weight distribution of irreducible cyclic codes associated with decomposable generalized Paley graphs | Teoría de códigos y temas afines |
112 | Cintya Wink de Oliveira Benedito | A Decoding Algorithm of MDS Array Codes | Teoría de códigos y temas afines |
113 | Alejandro Chávez Domínguez | Geometría Lipschitz para espacios de operadores | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
114 | Wilson Cuellar Carrera | Singular perturbations of symplectic isomorphism of Banach spaces | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
115 | Verónica Dimant | Normas tensoriales en <em>operator spaces</em> | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
116 | Vinícius V. Fávaro | Linear dynamics of operators on non-metrizable topological vector spaces | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
117 | Daniel Galicer | Constante de proyección de espacios de polinomios | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
118 | Samuel García Hernández | Ideals of multilinear operators from a geometric approach | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
119 | Silvia Lassalle | Geometría de los espacios de sucesiones de Marcinkiewicz | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
120 | Sofía Ortega Castillo | Cluster value problems in Banach spaces | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
121 | Daniela M. Vieira | Spaceability and Residuality in some sets of analytic functions on the open unit disk | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
122 | Ignacio Zalduendo | Extremos de polinomios - un enfoque probabilístico | Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach |
123 | Martha Alvarez Ramírez | On the averaging theory for computing periodic orbits | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
124 | Misael Avendaño-Camacho | Integrable models close to slow-fast Hamiltonian systems | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
125 | Jean C. Cortissoz | The Maximum Principle and solutions to nonlinear elliptic problems | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
126 | Marcos Craizer | Singularities of the Focal Set of a Line Congruence | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
127 | Débora Lopes da Silva | Line congruence in singular surface in \(\mathbb R^3\) | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
128 | Mikhail Malakhaltsev | Frobenius manifolds in the context of \(\mathbb{A}\)-manifolds | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
129 | Jesús R. Muciño-Raymundo | Classification of complex polynomials in \(\mathbb{C}^2\) and its applications | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
130 | Adriana Ortiz-Rodríguez | Umbilic Points at Infinity of Certain Algebraic Surfaces | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
131 | Jessie Pontigo Herrera | Perturbations of Hamiltonian foliations | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
132 | Camilo Sanabria | Solutions of algebraic linear ordinary differential equations | Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas |
133 | Agustín García Iglesias | On finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras of diagonal type: rank 3 and Cartan type | Quantum symmetries |
134 | Nicolle Gonzalez | A diagrammatic Carlsson-Mellit algebra | Quantum symmetries |
135 | Simon Lentner | Quantum Symmetries in Conformal Field Theory | Quantum symmetries |
136 | Ignacio Lopez Franco | Slack Hopf monads | Quantum symmetries |
137 | Ehud Meir | Interpolations of monoidal categories by invariant theory | Quantum symmetries |
138 | Adriana Mejía Castaño | Examples of module categories, the non-semisimple case | Quantum symmetries |
139 | Yiby Morales | Algebras in group-theoretical fusion categories | Quantum symmetries |
140 | Cris Negron | Quantum SL(2) and logarithmic vertex operator algebras at (p,1)-central charge | Quantum symmetries |
141 | Henry Tucker | Frobenius-Schur indicators for some families of quadratic fusion categories | Quantum symmetries |
142 | Sebastián Donoso | Multiplicative actions and applications | Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica |
143 | Sebastián Hurtado-Salazar | Actions of abelian-by-cyclic groups on surfaces | Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica |
144 | Yuri Lima | Polynomial decay of correlations of geodesic flows on some nonpositively curved surfaces | Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica |
145 | Karina Marín | Continuity of center Lyapunov exponents. | Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica |
146 | Matilde Martínez | On tilings, amenable equivalence relations and foliated spaces | Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica |
147 | Radu Saghin | Lyapunov exponents of hyperbolic and partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms | Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica |
148 | Fabio Tal | Zero Entropy area preserving homeomorphisms on surfaces | Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica |
149 | Ferrán Valdez | Conjugacy classes of big mapping class groups | Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica |
150 | Alfredo Deaño | Asymptotic analysis of matrix orthogonal polynomials | Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación |
151 | Rocío Diaz Martín | Sobolev spaces on graded groups | Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación |
152 | Jan Felipe van Diejen | Elliptic Kac-Sylvester matrix from difference Lamé equation | Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación |
153 | Herbert Dueñas Ruiz | Sobolev Type orthogonal polynomials on the cone of revolution | Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación |
154 | Luis E. Garza Gaona | On spectral transformations of matrix orthogonal polynomials: some recent results | Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación |
155 | Erik Koelink | Toda lattice, special functions and their matrix analogues | Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación |
156 | Ana Loureiro | Multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to hypergeometric functions | Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación |
157 | Andrei Martínez Finkelshtein | Poncelet-Darboux, Kippenhahn, and Szegö: projective geometry, matrices and orthogonal polynomials | Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación |
158 | Alejandro Petrovich | Rings of Formal Power Series and Symmetric Real Semigroups | Teoría algebraica de formas cuadráticas sobre anillos |
159 | Francisco Miraglia | Boolean Real Semigroups | Teoría algebraica de formas cuadráticas sobre anillos |
160 | Peter Arndt | Ranges of functors and geometric classes | Teoría algebraica de formas cuadráticas sobre anillos |
161 | Hugo Rafael de Oliveira Ribeiro | Von Neumann Hull for Real Semigroups | Teoría algebraica de formas cuadráticas sobre anillos |
162 | Kaique Matias de Andrade Roberto | K-theories, Graded Rings and Quadratic Forms | Teoría algebraica de formas cuadráticas sobre anillos |
163 | Hugo Luiz Mariano | Logical and categorial aspects of abstract quadratic forms theories | Teoría algebraica de formas cuadráticas sobre anillos |
164 | Hugo Luiz Mariano | Filter pairs and natural extensions of logics | Lógica matemática |
165 | María Paula Menchón | A topological duality for monotone expansions of semilattices | Lógica matemática |
166 | Rodrigo de Alvarenga Freire | Embeddability between orderings and GCH | Lógica matemática |
167 | Xavier Vidaux | Hilbert's tenth problem in rings of meromorphic functions | Lógica matemática |
168 | Alexander Berenstein | Existentially closed measure preserving actions of the free group. | Lógica matemática |
169 | José Patricio Díaz Varela | Completitud estándar fuerte (fuerte finita) para lógicas de S5-modales de Łukasiewicz | Lógica matemática |
170 | Rodolfo C. Ertola-Biraben | Distributivity, Modularity, and Natural Deduction | Lógica matemática |
171 | Nick Galatos | Interpolation and Beth definability for conic idempotent Full Lambek calculus | Lógica matemática |
172 | Carles Noguera i Clofent | Lindström theorems in graded model theory | Lógica matemática |
173 | Xavier Caicedo | Locally pseudocomplemented abelian \(\ell\)-groups | Lógica matemática |
174 | Pere Ara | Separated graphs and dynamics. | Operator Algebras |
175 | Jorge Castillejos | A non-commutative topological dimension | Operator Algebras |
176 | Ruy Exel | Isotropy algebras and Fourier analysis for regular inclusions | Operator Algebras |
177 | Camila Senhem | Toeplitz algebras of semigroups and their boundary quotients | Operator Algebras |
178 | Eusebio Gardella | Lifts of completely positive maps | Operator Algebras |
179 | Daniel Gonçalves | Continuous orbit equivalence and full groups of ultragraph C*-algebras | Operator Algebras |
180 | Pedro Resende | Revisiting quantum mechanics via quantales and groupoid C*-algebras | Operator Algebras |
181 | Román Sasyk | Permanence properties of verbal products and verbal wreath products of groups | Operator Algebras |
182 | Ariel Pacetti | Serre's modular conjecture. | Teoría de Números |
183 | Ari Shnidman | Monogenic and binary number fields of small degree | Teoría de Números |
184 | Carlos A. Rivera | The integral trace form and shape as complete invariants for real Sn number fields | Teoría de Números |
185 | Frank Thorne | Upper bounds on counting number fields | Teoría de Números |
186 | Matilde Lalín | Sums of certain arithmetic functions over \(\mathbb{F}_q[T]\) and symplectic distributions | Teoría de Números |
187 | Nicolás Sirolli | Congruences satisfied by eta quotients | Teoría de Números |
188 | Sebastián Herrero | p-adic asymptotic distribution of CM points | Teoría de Números |
189 | Ila Varma | Malle's Conjecture for octic D4-fields | Teoría de Números |
190 | Paulina Cecchi | Orbit equivalence and dynamical properties of minimal group actions on the Cantor set | Dinámica de grupos |
191 | Talia Fernós | Random Walks and CAT(0) Cube Complexes | Dinámica de grupos |
192 | Sang-hyun Kim | Optimal regularity of mapping class group actions on the circle | Dinámica de grupos |
193 | Kathryn Mann | Hyperbolic groups acting on their boundaries | Dinámica de grupos |
194 | Michele Triestino | Locally moving groups acting on the real line I: C^1 actions | Dinámica de grupos |
195 | Nicolás Matte Bon | Locally moving groups acting on the real line II: exotic actions | Dinámica de grupos |
196 | Andrés Sambarino | Projective manifolds, hyperbolic manifolds and the Hessian of Hausdorff dimension | Dinámica de grupos |
197 | Mostafa Adimy | Coupled reaction-diffusion and difference system with nonlocal dispersal term and implicit time delay | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
198 | Pierluigi Benevieri | Periodic positive solutions of superlinear delay equations via topological degree | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
199 | Julian Epstein | A Krasnoselskii relatedness principle for delay differential equations | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
200 | Márcia Federson | Stability and boundedness of solutions of retarded equations | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
201 | Julian Haddad | Global bifurcation-like Theorems in presence of non-vanishing Spectral Flow | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
202 | Mariel Paula Kuna | On the Stability and the Existence and Non-existence of \(T-\)Periodic Solutions for Nonlinear Delayed Differential Equations with Friction and \(\varphi\)-Laplacian | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
203 | Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita | Linearized instability for neutral FDEs | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
204 | Maria Carolina Mesquita | Existence of bifurcation point for impulsive differential equations via generalized ordinary differential equations | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
205 | Arturo Sanjuán | A Lazer-Leach type result for functional-differential equations at resonance | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
206 | Sergei Trofimchuk | On the nonlinearly determined wavefronts for the Mackey-Glass type diffusive equations | Functional Differential Equations and its Applications |
207 | María Soria-Carro | Regularity for \(C^{1,\alpha}\) interface transmission problems | Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
208 | Héctor Andrés Chang Lara | A Non-variational Approach for the Porous Medium Equation | Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
209 | Juan Dávila | Blow up for the Keller-Segel system in the critical mass case | Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
210 | Juan Carlos Fernández Morelos | Critical polyharmonic systems and optimal partitions | Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
211 | Pablo Figueroa | Blowing up solutions for sinh-Poisson type equations on pierced domains | Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
212 | Julio D. Rossi | Non Linear Mean Value Properties for Monge-Ampère Equations | Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
213 | Carlos Vélez | Radially symmetric solutions to quasilinear problems with indefinite weight | Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
214 | Andres Zuñiga | A nonlocal isoperimetric problem: density perimeter | Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
215 | Manuel Cabezas | Lattice trees in high dimensions | Stochastic processes and applications |
216 | Adriana Neumann | Large deviations for the exclusion process with slow boundary | Stochastic processes and applications |
217 | Octavio Arizmendi | Procesos de Lévy Libres | Stochastic processes and applications |
218 | Mariana Olvera-Cravioto | PageRank Nibble on directed stochastic block models | Stochastic processes and applications |
219 | Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira | Sharp bounds for consensus-based optimization of convex functions | Stochastic processes and applications |
220 | Inés Armendáriz | Condensating zero-range process with condensation | Stochastic processes and applications |
221 | Michael Hoegele | Cutoff thermalization for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck systems with small Lévy noise in the Wasserstein distance | Stochastic processes and applications |
222 | Avelio Sepúlveda | Scaling limit of the discrete Coulomb gas | Stochastic processes and applications |
223 | Patrícia Gonçalves | From stochastic dynamics to fractional PDEs with several boundary conditions | Large Stochastic systems |
224 | Matthieu Jonckheere | Persistence phenomena for large biological neural networks | Large Stochastic systems |
225 | Florencia Leonardi | Structure recovery for partially observed discrete Markov random fields on graphs | Large Stochastic systems |
226 | Ernesto Mordecki | An algorithm to solve optimal stopping problems for one-dimensional diffusions | Large Stochastic systems |
227 | Juan Carlos Pardo | Branching processes with pairwise interactions | Large Stochastic systems |
228 | Daniel Remenik | Exact solution of TASEP and generalizations | Large Stochastic systems |
229 | Augusto Teixeira | Percolation on Randomly Stretched Lattices | Large Stochastic systems |
230 | Johel Beltrán | A martingale approach to lumpability | Large Stochastic systems |
231 | Federico Dalmao Artigas | On the number of roots of random invariant homogeneous polynomials | Geometría Algebraica computacional |
232 | Teresa Krick | Univariate Rational Sum of Squares | Geometría Algebraica computacional |
233 | Khazhgali Kozhasov | On eigenvalues of symmetric matrices with PSD principal submatrices | Geometría Algebraica computacional |
234 | Antonio Lerario | Hausdorff approximation and volume of tubes of singular algebraic sets | Geometría Algebraica computacional |
235 | Federico Carrasco | Algebraic computational problems and conditioning | Geometría Algebraica computacional |
236 | Gregorio Malajovich | Sparse homotopy, toric varieties, and the points at infinity | Geometría Algebraica computacional |
237 | Pedro D. Arini | Medición de la actividad eléctrica cardiaca utilizando algoritmos basados en la transformada wavelet | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
238 | Ma. Belén Arouxet | Comportamiento de series de criptomonedas al inicio de la pandemia Covid-19 | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
239 | Aurelio F. Bariviera, | Análisis de coherencia wavelet en finanzas con datos alternativos | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
240 | Lucila D. Calderón, | Bases B-spline wavelet ortogonales en el intervalo en la solución de problemas de valores de contorno | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
241 | Santiago F. Caracciolo | Algoritmo para recuperar señales espacio-temporales con descomposición rala utilizando diccionarios wavelet: aplicación al mapeo electrocardiográfico | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
242 | Liliana R. Castro | Detection and analysis of micro saccadic movements during reading using the Continuous Wavelet Transform | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
243 | Gisela Clemente, | Entropía y Complejidad Wavelet para identificar la inestabilidad eléctrica cardíaca en pacientes con infarto de miocardio | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
244 | Margarete Oliveira Domingues | Wavelet Analysis in Space Research at the Applied Mathematics and Geophysics group at INPE: advances and overview | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
245 | Ana Korol | Cryopreservation Process: analyzed through Wavelet Transforms | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
246 | Rosa Piotrkowski | Aplicación de Transformada Wavelet Continua a señales de Emisión Acústica de fractura de materiales frágiles | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
247 | Victoria Vampa | Uso de la Transformada Wavelet en el análisis de datos de la evolución del Covid-19 | Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones |
248 | Carolina Araujo | Birational geometry of Calabi-Yau pairs | Geometría Algebraica |
249 | Hossein Movasati | On reconstructing subvarieties from their periods | Geometría Algebraica |
250 | John Alexander Cruz Morales | Quantum cohomology and derived categories: the case of isotropic Grassmannians | Geometría Algebraica |
251 | Cristhian Garay López | Initial degeneration in differential algebraic geometry | Geometría Algebraica |
252 | Graciela Reyes | Rank two bundles over fibered surfaces | Geometría Algebraica |
253 | Luis Alberto Lomelí | Langlands Program and Ramanujan Conjecture | Geometría Algebraica |
254 | Rubí Rodríguez | Actions and Symmetries | Geometría Algebraica |
255 | Walter Ferrer | Representation of groups schemes that are affine over an abelian variety | Geometría Algebraica |
256 | Anita Rojas | A criterion for an abelian variety to be non-simple and applications | Geometría Algebraica |
257 | Guillermo Cortiñas | K-teoría y problemas de clasificación | K-teoría |
258 | Daniel Juan | Algebraic K theory of 3-manifold groups | K-teoría |
259 | Diego Montero | Clasificación homotópica de álgebras de Leavitt simples puramente infinitas | K-teoría |
260 | Luis Jorge Sanchez Saldaña | The algebraic K-theory of the Hilbert modular group | K-teoría |
261 | Maru Sarazola | A Gillet-Waldhausen Theorem for chain complexes of sets | K-teoría |
262 | Bruno Stonek | Homología de Hochschild topológica y métodos de traza | K-teoría |
263 | Gisela Tartaglia | Topología controlada y conjeturas de isomorfismo en \(K\)-teoría | K-teoría |
264 | Mario Velazquez | Proper actions and equivariant K-theory of group extensions | K-teoría |
265 | Joaquin Fontbona | Optimal couplings for interacting particle systems via optimal transport | Stochastic analysis and stochastic processes |
266 | Antoine Lejay | Estimating the parameter of the Skew Brownian motion | Stochastic analysis and stochastic processes |
267 | Ilya Pavlyukevich | Diffusion through a two-sided membrane | Stochastic analysis and stochastic processes |
268 | José Luis Pérez Garmendia | Non-zero-sum optimal stopping game with continuous versus periodic observations | Stochastic analysis and stochastic processes |
269 | Paavo Salminen | Diffusion spiders: resolvents, excessive functions and optimal stopping | Stochastic analysis and stochastic processes |
270 | Soledad Torres | On the consistency of the least squares estimator in models sampled at random times driven by long memory noise | Stochastic analysis and stochastic processes |
271 | Lauri Viitasaari | Sufficient variability of paths and differential equations with BV-coefficients | Stochastic analysis and stochastic processes |
272 | Felipe Chaves | Small-time global exact controllability to the trajectories of the Boussinesq system | Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations |
273 | Pedro González Casanova | Identification of a boundary obstacle in a Stokes fluid with Navier–slip boundary conditions: an exterior approach | Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations |
274 | Sebastián Zamorano Aliaga | Controllability from the exterior of fractional heat equation | Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations |
275 | Ademir Pazoto | On the controllability of a model system for long waves in nonlinear dispersive media | Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations |
276 | Constanza Sánchez de la Vega | Nematic liquid crystals: well posedness, optical solitons and control | Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations |
277 | Fernando A. Gallego | Stabilization Aspects of the Boussinesq System on a Bounded Interval | Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations |
278 | Alberto Mercado | A unified strategy for observability of waves with several boundary conditions | Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations |
279 | Ivonne Rivas | Internal controllability of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili II equatio | Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations |
280 | Anna Fino | Pluriclosed metrics and Kähler-like conditions on complex manifolds | Geometría Diferencial |
281 | Artem Pulemotov | The prescribed cross curvature problem | Geometría Diferencial |
282 | Keti Tenenblat | Soliton solutions to the curve shortening flow on the 2-dimensional hyperbolic space | Geometría Diferencial |
283 | Raquel Perales | Upper bound on the revised first Betti number and torus stability for RCD spaces | Geometría Diferencial |
284 | Francisco Vittone | Left-invariant metrics on six-dimensional nilpotent Lie groups | Geometría Diferencial |
285 | Carlos E. Olmos | On the structure of homogeneous Riemannian manifolds with nullity | Geometría Diferencial |
286 | Luiz San Martin | Hermitian and Complex Geometry in Flag Manifolds | Geometría Diferencial |
287 | Jorge Lauret | Stability of Einstein metrics on flag manifolds with \(b_2(M)=1\) | Geometría Diferencial |
288 | Laura Ortíz | Círculos Matemáticos, por el fomento al razonamiento propio... | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
289 | Clara I. Grima | El abrazo del escutoide | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
290 | Andrés Navas | Festival de Matemáticas: la experiencia chilena | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
291 | Teresa Krick | La Comisión de Visibilidad de la Unión Matemática Argentina | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
292 | Bruno Aaron Cisneros de la Cruz | La divulgación matemática como un instrumento de integración social | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
293 | Eduardo Sáenz De Cabezón Irigaray | Matemáticas (no solo) en las redes | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
294 | Lucía López de Medrano | Haciendo comunidad en tiempos de confinamiento | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
295 | Javier Elizondo | Narrativa de ficción con temas matemáticos | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
296 | Manuel Murillo Tsijli | La divulgación de las matemáticas en Costa Rica | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
297 | Jeanette Shakalli | FUNDAPROMAT: Lecciones y Logros | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |
298 | Mesa redonda | ¿Qué pasos dar para crear una coordinación hispanoamericana de la divulgación de las matemáticas? | Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina |