German Correa
Agrega librerias y temas gráficos de forma local, no cdn, directorio local lib Formulario de registro: - select se hacen con select2, falta validarlos - validación de nombre, apellido y mail ya funcionando con jquery-validate - arregla temas gráficos y de presentación FALTA: - validar los select - validar los radiobutton - TODA LA PUTA LOGICA DE BACK-END DE NUEVO!!!
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52 lines
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module('Accessibility - Search');
var MultipleSelection = require('select2/selection/multiple');
var InlineSearch = require('select2/selection/search');
var $ = require('jquery');
var Utils = require('select2/utils');
var Options = require('select2/options');
var options = new Options({});
test('aria-autocomplete attribute is present', function (assert) {
var $select = $('#qunit-fixture .multiple');
var CustomSelection = Utils.Decorate(MultipleSelection, InlineSearch);
var selection = new CustomSelection($select, options);
var $selection = selection.render();
// Update the selection so the search is rendered
'The search box is marked as autocomplete'
test('aria-activedescendant should be removed when closed', function (assert) {
var $select = $('#qunit-fixture .multiple');
var CustomSelection = Utils.Decorate(MultipleSelection, InlineSearch);
var selection = new CustomSelection($select, options);
var $selection = selection.render();
var container = new MockContainer();
selection.bind(container, $('<span></span>'));
// Update the selection so the search is rendered
var $search = $selection.find('input');
$search.attr('aria-activedescendant', 'something');
'There is no active descendant when the dropdown is closed'