-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac justo pellentesque, sagittis enim sagittis, tristique est. Duis eget semper eros, sit amet interdum orci. Quisque lobortis arcu pellentesque, volutpat mauris vel, mattis neque. Cras nec turpis tempor, vulputate odio ut, euismod neque. Nulla blandit lacinia lacus, sed porta nunc mattis et. Cras a enim suscipit, pulvinar ante eu, pulvinar urna. Vestibulum nec elementum ipsum. Aenean tempor, neque at dignissim posuere, risus libero consequat lacus, ac hendrerit dui lorem at augue. Aenean vehicula leo lectus, eu scelerisque sapien blandit ullamcorper. Praesent condimentum dictum ex eu dignissim. +
+ The Dynamical Systems Group at the Universidad de la República has + been organizing several international Conferences and + Workshops in the last 20 years, focusing on different aspects of + dynamics and related topics. +
++ As our group expanded, both in number of participants and areas + of research, we are holding a Workshop on Groups, Geometry and Dynamics + on 2018 at Montevideo as a satellite conference of ICM 2018 (Rio de + Janeiro). The goal of the Workshop is to bring together top scientists + working on these areas to discuss new trends on these topics. The + idea is to have few talks and lots of discussion time. +
++ During the conference we will be holding a memorial recognition to Ricardo Mañé + (1948-1995), a top Uruguayan mathematician who worked on Dynamical + Systems, and who in 2018 would have been 70 years old.