--- - sesion: Set Theory and its Interactions organizadores: - nombre: Carlos Di Prisco mail: ca.di@uniandes.edu.co - nombre: Christina Brech mail: brech@ime.usp.br charlas: - titulo: Around (*) abstract: In this talk I will present work motivated by the derivation of the \(\mathbb P_{max}\) axiom \((*)\) from Martin's Maximum\(^{++}\). start: end: speaker: David Asperó (University of East Anglia, Inglaterra) - titulo: Group operations and universal minimal flows abstract: Every topological group admits a unique, up to isomorphism, universal minimal that maps onto every minimal (with respect to inclusion) flow. We study interactions between group operations and corresponding universal minimal flows. start: end: speaker: Dana Bartosova (University of Florida, Estados Unidos) - titulo: Preservation of some covering properties by elementary submodels abstract: | Given a topological space \((X, \tau)\) and an elementary submodel \(M\), we can define the topological space \(X_M = (X\cap M, \tau _M)\), where \(\tau _M\) is the topology on \(X \cap M\) generated by \(\{ V\cap M : V \in \tau \cap M \}\). It is natural to ask which topological properties are preserved by this new operation. For instance, if \(X\) is \(T_2\), then \(X_M\) is also \(T_2\). On the other hand, \(X_M\) compact implies \(X\) compact. A systematic study of it was initiated by L. Junqueira and F. Tall in 1998. In the paper ``More reflection in topology'', published in Fudamenta Mathematicae in 2003, F. Tall and L. Junqueira, studied the reflection of compactness and, more specifically, when can we have, for \(X\) compact, \(X_M\) compact non trivially, {\it i.e.}, with \(X \neq X_M\). It is natural to try to extend this study for other covering properties. We will present some results concerning the preservation of Lindelöfness. We will also discuss the perservation of some of its strengthenings, like the Menger and Rothberger properties. start: end: speaker: Lucia Junqueira (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil) joint with Robson A. Figueiredo and Rodrigo R. Carvalho - titulo: The Katetov order on MAD families abstract: The Katetov order is a powerful tool for studying ideals on countable sets. It is specially interesting when restricted to the class of ideals generated by MAD families. One of the reasons we are interested in it is because it allows us to study the destructibility of MAD families under certain forcing extensions. In this talk, I will survey the main known results regarding the Katetov order on MAD families and state some open problems. start: end: speaker: Osvaldo Guzmán (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México) - titulo: Hereditary interval algebras and cardinal characteristics of the continuum abstract: | An interval algebra is a Boolean algebra which is isomorphic to the algebra of finite unions of half-open intervals, of a linearly ordered set. An interval algebra is hereditary if every subalgebra is an interval algebra. We answer a question of M. Bekkali and S. Todorcevic, by showing that it is consistent that every $\sigma$-centered interval algebra of size \(\mathfrak{b}\) is hereditary. We also show that there is, in ZFC, an hereditary interval algebra of cardinality \(\aleph_1\). start: end: speaker: Carlos Martinez-Ranero (Universidad de Concepción, Chile) - titulo: Groups definable in partial differential fields with an automorphism abstract: | Model theory is a branch of mathematical logic with strong interactions with other branches of mathematics, including algebra, geometry and number theory. In this talk we are interested in differential and difference fields from the model-theoretic point of view. A differential field is a field with a set of commuting derivations and a difference-differential field is a differential field equipped with an automorphism which commutes with the derivations. The model theoretic study of differential fields with one derivation, in characteristic $0$ started with the work of Abraham Robinson and of Lenore Blum. For several commuting derivations, Tracey McGrail showed that the theory of differential fields of characteristic zero with \(m\) commuting derivations has a model companion called \(DCF\). This theory is complete, \(\omega\)-stable and eliminates quantifiers and imaginaries. In the case of difference-differential fields, Ronald Bustamante Medina (for the case of one derivation) and Omar León Sánchez (for the general case) showed that the theory of difference-differential fields with $m$ derivations admits a model companion called \(DCF_mA\). This theory is model-complete, supersimple and eliminates imaginaries. Cassidy studied definable groups in models of $DCF$, in particular she studied Zariski dense definable subgroups of simple algebraic groups and showed that they are isomorphic to the rational points of an algebraic group over some definable field. In this talk we study groups definable in models of \(DCF_mA\), and show an analogue of Phyllis Cassidy's result. start: end: speaker: Samaria Montenegro (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica), joint work with Ronald Bustamente Medina and Zoé Chatzidakis - titulo: Some lessons after the formalization of the ctm approach to forcing abstract: | In this talk we'll discuss some highlights of our computer-verified proof of the construction, given a countable transitive set model \(M\) of \(\mathit{ZFC}\), of a generic extension \(M[G]\) satisfying \(\mathit{ZFC}+\neg\mathit{CH}\). In particular, we isolated a set \(\Delta\) of \(\sim\)220 instances of the axiom schemes of Separation and Replacement and a function \(F\) such that such that for any finite fragment \(\Phi\subseteq\mathit{ZFC}\), \(F(\Phi)\subseteq\mathit{ZFC}\) is also finite and if \(M\models F(\Phi) + \Delta\) then \(M[G]\models \Phi + \neg \mathit{CH}\). We also obtained the formulas yielded by the Forcing Definability Theorem explicitly. To achieve this, we worked in the proof assistant Isabelle, basing our development on the theory Isabelle/ZF by L. Paulson and others. The vantage point of the talk will be that of a mathematician but elements from the computer science perspective will be present. Perhaps some myths regarding what can effectively be done using proof assistants/checkers will be dispelled. We'll also compare our formalization with the recent one by Jesse M. Han and Floris van Doorn in the proof assistant Lean. start: end: speaker: Sánchez Terraf (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) joint with Emmanuel Gunther, Miguel Pagano, and Matías Steinberg - titulo: On non-classical models of ZFC abstract: | In this talk we present recent developments in the study of non-classical models of ZFC. We will show that there are algebras that are neither Boolean, nor Heyting, but that still give rise to models of ZFC. This result is obtained by using an algebra-valued construction similar to that of the Boolean-valued models. Specifically we will show the following theorem. There is an algebra \(\mathbb{A}\), whose underlying logic is neither classical, nor intuitionistic such that \(\mathbf{V}^{\mathbb{A}} \vDash\) ZFC. Moreover, there are formulas in the pure language of set theory such that \(\mathbf{V}^{\mathbb{A}} \vDash \varphi \land \neg \varphi\). The above result is obtained by a suitable modification of the interpretation of equality and belongingness, which are classical equivalent to the standard ones, used in Boolean-valued constructions. Towards the end of the talk we will present an application of these constructions, showing the independence of CH from non-classical set theories, together with a general preservation theorem of independence from the classical to the non-classical case. start: end: speaker: Giorgio Venturi (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil), joint work with Sourav Tarafder and Santiago Jockwich - sesion: Combinatoria algebraica de funciones simétricas, cuasisimétricas y sus generalizaciones organizadores: - nombre: Rafael S. González D'León mail: rafael.gonzalezl@usa.edu.co - nombre: Yannic Vargas Lozada mail: yannicmath@gmail.com charlas: - titulo: Hopf monoids of type B, their antipode and examples abstract: Combinatorial species provide a unified framework to study families of combinatorial objects. If the family of combinatorial objects has natural operations to merge and break structures, the corresponding species becomes a Hopf monoid. In this talk, we present a novel definition of type B Hopf monoids. In the same spirit as the work of Bergeron and Choquette, we consider structures over finite sets with a fixed-point free involution. However, instead of defining a monoidal structure on the category of type B species, our construction involves an action of the monoidal category of (standard) species on the category of Type B species. We present the basic definitions and some examples of Type B Hopf monoids constructed from (type B) set compositions, (symplectic) matroids, and (type B) generalized permutahedra. This is work in progress with M. Aguiar. start: end: speaker: José Bastidas (LACIM/Université du Québec à Montréal, Canadá) - titulo: Chromatic symmetric functions for Dyck paths and \(q\)-rook theory abstract: | Given a graph and a set of colors, a coloring is a function that associates each vertex in the graph with a color. In 1995, Stanley generalized this definition to symmetric functions by looking at the number of times each color is used and extending the set of colors to \(\mathbb{Z}^+\). In 2012, Shareshian and Wachs introduced a refinement of the chromatic functions for ordered graphs as \(q\)-analogues. In the particular case of Dyck paths, Stanley and Stembridge described the connection between chromatic symmetric functions of abelian Dyck paths and square hit numbers, and Guay-Paquet described their relation to rectangular hit numbers. Recently, Abreu-Nigro generalized the former connection for the Shareshian-Wachs \(q\)-analogue, and in unpublished work, Guay-Paquet generalized the latter. In this talk, I want to give an overview of the framework and present another proof of Guay-Paquet's identity using \(q\)-rook theory. Along the way, we will also discuss $q$-hit numbers, two variants of their statistic, and some deletion-contraction relations. This is recent work with Alejandro H. Morales and Greta Panova. start: end: speaker: Laura Colmenarejo (North Carolina State University, Estados Unidos) - titulo: Peak algebra for combinatorial Hopf algebras abstract: The peak algebra is originally introduced by Stembridge using enriched \(P\)-partitions. Using the character theory by Aguiar-Bergeron-Sottile, the peak algebra is also the image of \(\Theta\), the universal morphism between certain combinatorial Hopf algebras. We introduce a shuffle basis of quasi-symmetric functions that has a shuffle-like Hopf structure and is also the eigenfunctions of \(\Theta\). Using this new basis, we extend the notion of peak algebras and theta maps to shuffle, tensor and symmetric algebras. As examples, we study the peak algebras of symmetric functions in non-commuting variables and the graded associated Hopf algebra on permutations. start: end: speaker: Shu Xiao Li (Dalian University of Technology, China) - titulo: A multiset partition algebra abstract: Classical Howe duality provides a representation theoretic framework for classical invariant theory. In the classical Howe duality the general linear group \(GL_n\) is dual to \(GL_k\) when acting on the polynomial ring on variables \(x_{ij}\) where \(1\leq i\leq n\) and \(1\leq j \leq k\). In this talk we restrict the action of \(GL_n\) to the group of permutation matrices and show that the Howe dual is an algebra whose basis is indexed by multiset partition algebra. start: end: speaker: Rosa C. Orellana (Dartmouth College, Estados Unidos) - titulo: Valuations and the Hopf Monoid of Generalized Permutahedra abstract: Many combinatorial objects, such as matroids, graphs, and posets, can be realized as generalized permutahedra - a beautiful family of polytopes. This realization respects the natural multiplication of these objects as well as natural "breaking" operations. Surprisingly many of the important invariants of these objects, when viewed as functions on polytopes, satisfy an inclusion-exclusion formula with respect to subdivisions. Functions that satisfy this formula are known as valuations. In this talk, I will discuss recent work with Federico Ardila that completely describes the relationship between the algebraic structure on generalized permutahedra and valuations. Our main contribution is a new easy-to-apply method that converts simple valuations into more complicated ones. We also describe an universality property of the Hopf monoid of indicator functions of generalized permutahedra that extends the relationship between Combinatorial Hopf algebras and QSYM. start: end: speaker: Mario Sanchez (UC Berkeley, Estados Unidos) - titulo: Computation of Kronecker coefficients abstract: | A Kronecker coefficient is a non-negative integer that depends on three partitions of a natural number n. It is the multiplicity of an irreducible representation of the symmetric group of degree n in the tensor (or Kronecker) product of two other irreducible representations of the same group. The study of ways of computing Kronecker coefficients is an important topic on algebraic combinatorics. It was initiated by Francis Murnaghan more than eighty years ago. Several tools have been used to try to understand them, notably from representation theory, symmetric functions theory and Borel-Weil theory. These numbers generalize the well-known Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, but are still very far to be fully grasped. It is known that each Kronecker coefficient can be described as an alternating sum of numbers of integer points in convex polytopes. In this talk we present a new family of polytopes that permit very fast computations on Kronecker coefficients associated to partitions with few parts. This family provides, in particular, insight into some properties of Kronecker coefficients as well as into Murnaghan stability. start: end: speaker: Ernesto Vallejo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México) - titulo: The Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity of Matrix Schubert Varieties abstract: The Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of a graded module provides a measure of how complicated its minimal free resolution is. In work with Rajchogt, Ren, Robichaux, and St. Dizier, we noted that the CM-regularity of matrix Schubert varieties can be easily obtained by knowing the degree of the corresponding Grothendieck polynomial. Furthermore, we gave explicit, combinatorial formulas for these degrees for symmetric Grothendieck polynomials. In this talk, I will present a general degree formula for Grothendieck polynomials. This is joint work with Oliver Pechenik and David Speyer. start: end: speaker: Anna E. Weigand (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Estados Unidos) - titulo: 'Chromatic symmetric homology for graphs: some new developments' abstract: | In his study of the four colour problem, Birkhoff showed that the number of ways to colour a graph with k colours is a polynomial chi(k), which he called the chromatic polynomial. Later, Stanley defined the chromatic symmetric function X(x_1, x_2, ... ), which is a multivariable lift of the chromatic polynomial so that when the first k variables are set to 1, it recovers chi(k). This can be further lifted to a homological setting; we can construct a chain complex of graded S_n-modules whose homology has a bigraded Frobenius characteristic that recovers X upon setting q=t=1. In this talk, we will explain the construction of the homology, discuss some new results regarding the strength of the homology as a graph invariant, and state some surprising conjectures regarding integral symmetric homology for graphs. This is based on joint work with Chandler, Sazdanovic, and Stella. start: end: speaker: Martha Yip (University of Kentucky, Estados Unidos) - sesion: Lógica y Computación organizadores: - nombre: Alexandre Miquel mail: amiquel@fing.edu.uy - nombre: Martin Hyland mail: M.Hyland@dpmms.cam.ac.uk charlas: - titulo: Random! abstract: Everyone has an intuitive idea about what is randomness, often associated with ``gambling'' or ``luck''. Is there a mathematical definition of randomness? Are there degrees of randomness? Can we give examples of randomness? Can a computer produce a sequence that is truly random? What is the relation between randomness and logic? In this talk I will talk about these questions and their answers. start: end: speaker: Verónica Becher (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) - titulo: Relating logical approaches to concurrent computation abstract: | This talk will present ongoing work towards the description and study of concurrent interaction in proof theory. Type systems that are designed to ensure behavioural properties of concurrent processes (input/output regimes, lock-freeness) generally have unclear logical meanings. Conversely, proofs-as-programs correspondences for processes (e.g. with session types) tend to impose very functional behaviour and little actual concurrency. Besides, relationships between type systems and denotational models of concurrency are rarely established. A possible reason for this state of things is the ambiguous status of non-determinism in logic and the importance of scheduling concerns in models of concurrency, to which traditional proof theory is not accustomed. Unifying logical approaches in a consistent framework requires to put a focus on these issues, and this talk will propose, building on recent developments in proof theory, in the veins of linear logic and classical realizability. start: end: speaker: Emmanuel Beffara (Université Grenoble Alpes, Francia) - titulo: A framework to express the axioms of mathematics abstract: 'The development of computer-checked formal proofs is a major step forward in the endless quest for mathematical rigor. But it also has a negative aspect: the multiplicity of systems brought a multiplicity of theories in which these formal proofs are expressed. We propose to define these theories in a common logical framework, called Dedukti. Some axioms are common to the various theories and some others are specific, just like some axioms are common to all geometries and some others are specific. This logical framework extends predicate logic in several ways and we shall discuss why predicate logic must be extended to enable the expression of these theories.' start: end: speaker: Gilles Dowek (Institut de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Francia) - titulo: Generalized Algebraic Theories and Categories with Families abstract: We give a new syntax independent definition of the notion of a finitely presented generalized algebraic theory as an initial object in a category of categories with families (cwfs) with extra structure. To this end we define inductively how to build a valid signature \(\Sigma\) for a generalized algebraic theory and the associated category \(\textrm{CwF}_{\Sigma}\) of cwfs with a \(\Sigma\)-structure and cwf-morphisms that preserve \(\Sigma\)-structure on the nose. Our definition refers to the purely semantic notions of uniform family of contexts, types, and terms. Furthermore, we show how to syntactically construct initial cwfs with \(\Sigma\)-structures. This result can be viewed as a generalization of Birkhoff’s completeness theorem for equational logic. It is obtained by extending Castellan, Clairambault, and Dybjer’s construction of an initial cwf. We provide examples of generalized algebraic theories for monoids, categories, categories with families, and categories with families with extra structure for some type formers of dependent type theory. The models of these are internal monoids, internal categories, and internal categories with families (with extra structure) in a category with families. Finally, we show how to extend our definition to some generalized algebraic theories that are not finitely presented, such as the theory of contextual categories with families. start: end: speaker: Peter Dybjer (Chalmers University of Technology, Suecia), joint with Marc Bezem, Thierry Coquand, and Martin Escardo - titulo: On the instability of the consistency operator abstract: We examine recursive monotonic functions on the Lindenbaum algebra of EA. We prove that no such function sends every consistent \(\varphi\), to a sentence with deductive strength strictly between \(\varphi\) and \(\textit{Con}(\varphi)\). We generalize this result to iterates of consistency into the effective transfinite. We then prove that for any recursive monotonic function \(f\), if there is an iterate of \(\textit{Con}\) that bounds \(f\) everywhere, then \(f\) must be somewhere equal to an iterate of \(\textit{Con}\). start: end: speaker: Antonio Montalbán (Berkeley University of California, Estados Unidos), joint work with James Walsh - titulo: Readers by name, presheaves by value abstract: Presheaves are an ubiquitary model construction used everywhere in logic, particularly in topos theory. It is therefore tempting to port them to the similar but slightly different context of type theory. Unfortunately, it turns out that there are subtle issues with the built-in computation rules of the latter, which we will expose. As an alternative, we will describe a new structure that is much better behaved in an intensional setting, but categorically equivalent to presheaves in an extensional one. Such a structure is motivated by considerations stemming from the study of generic side-effects in programming language theory, shedding a new light on the fundamental nature of such a well-known object. start: end: speaker: Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Institut de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Francia) - titulo: Reversible computation and quantum control abstract: One perspective on quantum algorithms is that they are classical algorithms having access to a special kind of memory with exotic properties. This perspective suggests that, even in the case of quantum algorithms, the control flow notions of sequencing, conditionals, loops, and recursion are entirely classical. There is however, another notion of control flow, that is itself quantum. This purely quantum control flow is however not well-understood. In this talk, I will discuss how to retrieve some understanding of it with a detour through reversible computation. This will allow us to draw links with the logic \(\mu\)MALL, pointing towards a Curry-Howard isomorphism. start: end: speaker: Benoît Valiron (CentraleSupélec, Francia) - sesion: Algebraic and categorical structures in geometry and topology organizadores: - nombre: Manuel Rivera mail: manuelor@gmail.com - nombre: Camilo Arias Abad mail: carias0@unal.edu.co charlas: - titulo: Discretization of euclidean space ,vector calculus and 3D incompressible fluids abstract: Overlapping cubical decompositions admit hodge star dualities and analogues of Grassman algebra for differential forms and multivector fields with their exterior d and the divergence operator differentials del. For these operators there are hierarchies of deformation corrections to the first order derivation structure of exterior d and the second order derivation structure of the divergence operator. These suggest computer codes with surprising properties. There is a joint paper in the Atiyah Memorial Volume 2021 with Ruth Lawrence and Nissim Ranade describing this discretization with explicit calculations of the deformations.The computer studies are in progress. start: end: speaker: Dennis Sullivan (Stony Brook University and City University of New York Graduate Center, Estados Unidos) - titulo: Objective combinatorial bialgebras through decomposition spaces abstract: Decomposition spaces (also known as 2-Segal spaces) and the machinery of homotopy linear algebra allow us to realise objective combinatorial bialgebra structures, rendering classical combinatorial bialgebras once cardinalites are taken. In many cases such bialgebras are related, through CULF functors given by base change, Galois connection, duality, that descend to their numerical counterparts but provide deeper understanding of phenomena at the objective level. We will present a few important cases of such constructions, in particular relating to the bialgebras of Malvenuto-Reutenauner and of symmetric functions. Joint work in progress with Joachim Kock and Andrew Tonks. start: end: speaker: Imma Gálvez-Carrillo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, España) - titulo: Variants of the Waldhausen S-construction abstract: The S-construction, first defined in the setting of cofibration categories by Waldhausen, gives a way to define the algebraic K-theory associated to certain kinds of categorical input. It was proved by Galvez-Carrillo, Kock, and Tonks that the result of applying this construction to an exact category is a decomposition space, also called a 2-Segal space, and Dyckerhoff and Kapranov independently proved the same result for the slightly more general input of proto-exact categories. In joint work with Osorno, Ozornova, Rovelli, and Scheimbauer, we proved that these results can be maximally generalized to the input of augmented stable double Segal spaces, so that the S-construction defines an equivalence of homotopy theories. In this talk, we'll review the S-construction and the reasoning behind these stages of generalization. Time permitting, we'll discuss attempts to characterize those augmented stable double Segal spaces that correspond to cyclic spaces, which is work in progress with Walker Stern. start: end: speaker: Julie Bergner (University of Virginia, Estados Unidos) - titulo: Transfer systems and weak factorization systems abstract: N∞ operads over a group G encode homotopy commutative operations together with a class of equivariant transfer (or norm) maps. Their homotopy theory is given by transfer systems, which are certain discrete objects that have a rich combinatorial structure defined in terms of the subgroup lattice of G. In this talk, we will show that when G is finite Abelian, transfer systems are in bijection with weak factorization systems on the poset category of subgroups of G. This leads to an involution on the lattice of transfer systems, generalizing the work of Balchin-Bearup-Pech-Roitzheim for cyclic groups of squarefree order. This is joint work with Evan Franchere, Usman Hafeez, Peter Marcus, Kyle Ormsby, Weihang Qin, and Riley Waugh. start: end: speaker: Angélica Osorno (Reed College, Estados Unidos) - titulo: Classifying stacky vector bundles abstract: Lie groupoids up to Morita equivalences serve as models for differentiable stacks, categorified spaces that generalize manifolds and orbifolds, and which are useful when dealing with singular quotients. Vector bundles over Lie groupoids have the tangent and cotangent constructions as prominent examples, and they admit a nice interpretation in terms of representations up to homotopy. In this talk, based on joint works with C. Ortiz, D. Stefani, and J. Desimoni, I will first discuss the Morita invariance of vector bundles, then describe the general linear 2-groupoid, and finally present a classification of stacky vector bundles by the resulting 2-Grassmannian. start: end: speaker: Matías del Hoyo (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil) - titulo: Cut cotorsion pairs abstract: In this talk, I shall present the concept of cotorsion pairs cut along subcategories of an abelian category. This provides a generalization of complete cotorsion pairs, and represents a general framework to find approximations of objects restricted to certain subcategories. Several applications will be given in the settings of relative Gorenstein homological algebra and chain complexes, as well as to characterize some important results on the Finitistic Dimension Conjecture, the existence of right adjoints of quotient functors by Serre subcategories, and the description of cotorsion pairs in triangulated categories as co-t-structures. This is a joint work with Mindy Huerta and Octavio Mendoza (Instituto de Matemáticas - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). start: end: speaker: Marco Perez (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) - titulo: Hopf and Bialgebras in Algebra, Topology and Physics abstract: | Together with Imma Galvez-Carillo and Andy Tonks, we constructed Bi and Hopf-algebras from a three-fold hierarchy, simplicial objects, Co-operads with multiplication and Feynman categories. The common theme is that the co-product is a dualized composition product and the product iis an extra structure, which is free in the most prominent examples. These are the Hopf algebra of Baues in Topology, those of Goncharov and Brown in number theory, and those of Connes and Kreimer in mathematical physics. The natural structures are bi-algebras and the Hopf algebras appear as a connected quotient. Together with Yang Mo, we introduced the notion of a path-like bi-algebra in order to better understand the relationship between the bialgebras and the Hopf algebras, which allowed us to complete the picture. The usual Quillen condition of being connected is replaced by the so-called Quillen-Takeushi filtration being exhaustive. This allows us to reduce the obstructions to having an antipode to (semi)-grouplike elements. This theory comprises all the examples above as well as those of May as special cases. Finally, quotients now appear naturally as the universal quotient spaces through which characters -with particular properties- factor. The characters take values in Rota-Baxter-algebras which are at the heart of the renormalization theory. This brings the theory full circle. start: end: speaker: Ralph Kaufmann (Purdue University, Estados Unidos) - sesion: 'Problemas inversos: desde la teoría a las aplicaciones' organizadores: - nombre: Adriano Dr Cezaro mail: adrianocezaro@furg.br - nombre: Alberto Mercado mail: alberto.mercado@usm.cl - nombre: Juan Pablo Agnelli mail: agnelli@famaf.unc.edu.ar charlas: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - sesion: Estadística Matemática organizadores: - nombre: Florencia Leonardi mail: florencia@usp.br - nombre: Pamela Llop mail: lloppamela@gmail.com - nombre: Daniela Rodriguez mail: drodrig@dm.uba.ar charlas: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - sesion: Teorı́a de bordismo y acciones de grupos finitos organizadores: - nombre: Andrés Ángel mail: ja.angel908@uniandes.edu.co - nombre: Ana González de los Santos mail: anagon@fing.edu.uy - nombre: Rita Jiménez Rolland mail: rita@im.unam.mx csegovia@matem.unam.mx - nombre: Carlos Segovia mail: csegovia@matem.unam.mx charlas: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - sesion: Ecuaciones de evolución no-lineales y su Dinámica organizadores: - nombre: Jaime Angulo Pava mail: angulo@ime.usp.br - nombre: Diego Chamorro mail: diego.chamorro@univ-evry.fr - nombre: Claudio Muñoz mail: cmunoz@dim.uchile.cl charlas: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - sesion: Combinatoria organizadores: - nombre: Celina Miraglia Herrera de Figueiredo mail: celina@cos.ufrj.br - nombre: Flavia Bonomo mail: fbonomo@dc.uba.ar - nombre: Lucia Moura mail: lmoura@uottawa.ca charlas: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - titulo: '' abstract: '' start: end: speaker: nombre: afiliacion: web: - sesion: Análisis Numérico organizadores: - nombre: Gabriel Acosta mail: gacosta@dm.uba.ar - nombre: Pedro Morin mail: pmorin@fiq.unl.edu.ar - nombre: Rodolfo Rodríguez mail: rodolfo@ing-mat.udec.cl - sesion: Análisis Funcional y Geometría organizadores: - nombre: Esteban Andruchow mail: eandruch@ungs.edu.ar - nombre: Pedro Massey mail: massey@mate.unlp.edu.ar - nombre: Lázaro Recht mail: recht@usb.ve - sesion: Geometría, Mecánica, Control y sus interconexiones organizadores: - nombre: Viviana Alejandra Díaz mail: viviana.diaz@uns.edu.ar - nombre: Edith Padrón Fernandez mail: mepadron@ull.es - sesion: Teoría de códigos y temas afines organizadores: - nombre: Ricardo Podestá mail: podesta@famaf.unc.edu.ar - nombre: Claudio Qureshi mail: cqureshi@gmail.com - sesion: Análisis no lineal en espacios de Banach organizadores: - nombre: Gerardo Botelho mail: botelho@ufu.br - nombre: Daniel Carando mail: dcarando@dm.uba.ar - nombre: Maite Fenández Unzueta mail: maite@cimat.mx - sesion: Ecuaciones diferenciales y estructuras geométricas organizadores: - nombre: John Alexander Arredondo García mail: alexander.arredondo@konradlorenz.edu.co - nombre: Ronaldo Alves García mail: ragarcia@ufg.br - nombre: Mikhail Malakhaltsev mail: mikarm@uniandes.edu.co - nombre: Jesús Muciño Raymundo mail: muciray@matmor.unam.mx - sesion: Quantum symmetries organizadores: - nombre: César Galindo mail: cn.galindo1116@uniandes.edu.co - nombre: Julia Plavnik mail: jplavnik@iu.edu - nombre: Leandro Vendramin mail: lvendramin@dm.uba.ar - sesion: Sistemas Dinámicos y Teoría Ergódica organizadores: - nombre: Jairo Bochi mail: jairo.bochi@mat.uc.cl - nombre: Katrin Gelfert mail: gelfert@im.ufrj.br - nombre: Rafael Potrie mail: rpotrie@cmat.edu.uy - sesion: Funciones especiales, polinomios ortogonales y teoría de aproximación organizadores: - nombre: Manuel Domínguez de la Iglesia mail: mdi29@im.unam.mx - nombre: Pablo Manuel Román mail: roman@famaf.unc.edu.ar - sesion: Teoría algebraica de formas cuadráticas sobre anillos organizadores: - nombre: Hugo L. Mariano mail: hugomar@ime.usp.br - nombre: Alejandro Petrovich mail: apetrov@dm.uba.ar - sesion: Lógica matemática organizadores: - nombre: Manuela Busaniche mail: mbusaniche@santafe-conicet.gov.ar - nombre: Marcelo Esteban Coniglio mail: coniglio@cle.unicamp.br - sesion: Operator Algebras organizadores: - nombre: Fernando Abadie mail: fabadie@cmat.edu.uy - nombre: Alcides Buss mail: alcides.buss@ufsc.br - nombre: Damián Ferraro mail: damian@cmat.edu.uy - sesion: Teoría de Números organizadores: - nombre: María de los Ángeles Chara mail: charamaria@gmail.com - nombre: Guillermo Mantilla mail: guillermoa.mantillas@konradlorenz.edu.co - nombre: Amalia Pizarro mail: amalia.pizarro@uv.cl - sesion: Dinámica de grupos organizadores: - nombre: Juan Alonso mail: juan@cmat.edu.uy - nombre: Nancy Guelman mail: nguelman@fing.edu.uy - nombre: Sebastián Hurtado mail: shurtados@uchicago.edu - nombre: Cristóbal Rivas mail: cristobal.rivas@usach.cl - sesion: Functional Differential Equations and its Applications organizadores: - nombre: Pablo Amster mail: pamster@dm.uba.ar - nombre: Gonzalo Robledo mail: grobledo@uchile.cl - sesion: Problemas Variacionales y Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales organizadores: - nombre: Judith Campos Cordero mail: judith@ciencias.unam.mx - nombre: Duvan Henao Manrique mail: dhenao@mat.puc.cl - nombre: Dora Cecilia Salazar Lozano mail: dcsalazarl@unal.edu.co - sesion: Stochastic processes and applications organizadores: - nombre: Joaquín Fontbona mail: fontbona@dim.uchile.cl - nombre: Juan Carlos Pardo mail: jcpardo@cimat.mx - nombre: Daniel Remenik mail: dremenik@dim.uchile.cl - nombre: Víctor Rivero mail: rivero@cimat.mx - sesion: Large Stochastic systems organizadores: - nombre: Claudio Landim mail: landim@impa.br - nombre: Pablo Ferrari mail: pferrari@dm.uba.ar - sesion: Geometría Algebraica computacional organizadores: - nombre: Gregorio Malajovich mail: gregorio.malajovich@gmail.com - nombre: Diego Armentano mail: diego@cmat.edu.uy - sesion: Análisis wavelet y aplicaciones organizadores: - nombre: Victoria Vampa mail: victoriavampa@gmail.com - nombre: Liliam Alvarez Díaz mail: lilliam@ceniai.inf.cu - nombre: María Teresa Martín mail: mtmartin@fisica.unlp.edu.ar - sesion: Geometría Algebraica organizadores: - nombre: Álvaro Rittatore mail: alvaro@cmat.edu.uy - nombre: Pedro Luis del Ángel R. mail: luis@cimat.mx - sesion: K-teoría organizadores: - nombre: Noé Bárcenas mail: barcenas@matmor.unam.mx - nombre: Eugenia Ellis mail: eellis@fing.edu.uy - sesion: Stochastic analysis and stochastic processes organizadores: - nombre: Paavo Salminen mail: paavo.salminen@abo.fi - nombre: Antoine Lejay mail: Antoine.Lejay@univ-lorraine.fr - nombre: Ernesto Mordecki mail: mordecki@cmat.edu.uy - sesion: Control and Stabilization for Partial Differential Equations organizadores: - nombre: Fágner D. Araruna mail: fagner@mat.ufpb.br - nombre: Eduardo Cerpa mail: eduardo.cerpa@usm.cl - nombre: Luz de Teresa mail: deteresa@matem.unam.mx - sesion: Geometría Diferencial organizadores: - nombre: Romina Arroyo mail: romina.melisa.arroyo@unc.edu.ar - nombre: Viviana del Barco mail: delbarc@ime.unicamp.br - nombre: Silvio Reggiani mail: reggiani@fceia.unr.edu.ar - sesion: Comunicación de las matemáticas en América Latina organizadores: - nombre: Javier Elizondo mail: javier@im.unam.mx - nombre: Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón mail: eduardo.saenz-de-cabezon@unirioja.es