# Slim Twig Flash A Twig extension to access Slim Flash messages in templates. | **master** | **develop** | |------------|--------------| | [](https://travis-ci.org/kanellov/slim-twig-flash) | [](https://travis-ci.org/kanellov/slim-twig-flash) | ## Install Via [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) ``` terminal composer require kanellov/slim-twig-flash ``` Requires: - PHP 5.5.0 or newer - Slim Framework Flash Messages 0.1.0 or newer - Twig 1.18.0 or newer ## Usage - Add extension to your twig view ``` php ... $view->addExtension(new Knlv\Slim\Views\TwigMessages( new Slim\Flash\Messages() )); ... ``` - In templates use `flash()` or `flash('some_key')` to fetch messages from Flash service ``` html ...