* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml\Tests; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Inline; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Tag\TaggedValue; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml; class InlineTest extends TestCase { protected function setUp(): void { Inline::initialize(0, 0); } /** * @dataProvider getTestsForParse */ public function testParse($yaml, $value, $flags = 0) { $this->assertSame($value, Inline::parse($yaml, $flags), sprintf('::parse() converts an inline YAML to a PHP structure (%s)', $yaml)); } /** * @dataProvider getTestsForParseWithMapObjects */ public function testParseWithMapObjects($yaml, $value, $flags = Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP) { $actual = Inline::parse($yaml, $flags); $this->assertSame(serialize($value), serialize($actual)); } /** * @dataProvider getTestsForParsePhpConstants */ public function testParsePhpConstants($yaml, $value) { $actual = Inline::parse($yaml, Yaml::PARSE_CONSTANT); $this->assertSame($value, $actual); } public function getTestsForParsePhpConstants() { return [ ['!php/const Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::PARSE_CONSTANT', Yaml::PARSE_CONSTANT], ['!php/const PHP_INT_MAX', PHP_INT_MAX], ['[!php/const PHP_INT_MAX]', [PHP_INT_MAX]], ['{ foo: !php/const PHP_INT_MAX }', ['foo' => PHP_INT_MAX]], ['!php/const NULL', null], ]; } public function testParsePhpConstantThrowsExceptionWhenUndefined() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('The constant "WRONG_CONSTANT" is not defined'); Inline::parse('!php/const WRONG_CONSTANT', Yaml::PARSE_CONSTANT); } public function testParsePhpConstantThrowsExceptionOnInvalidType() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp('#The string "!php/const PHP_INT_MAX" could not be parsed as a constant.*#'); Inline::parse('!php/const PHP_INT_MAX', Yaml::PARSE_EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_TYPE); } /** * @dataProvider getTestsForDump */ public function testDump($yaml, $value, $parseFlags = 0) { $this->assertEquals($yaml, Inline::dump($value), sprintf('::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (%s)', $yaml)); $this->assertSame($value, Inline::parse(Inline::dump($value), $parseFlags), 'check consistency'); } public function testDumpNumericValueWithLocale() { $locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0); if (false === $locale) { $this->markTestSkipped('Your platform does not support locales.'); } try { $requiredLocales = ['fr_FR.UTF-8', 'fr_FR.UTF8', 'fr_FR.utf-8', 'fr_FR.utf8', 'French_France.1252']; if (false === setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $requiredLocales)) { $this->markTestSkipped('Could not set any of required locales: '.implode(', ', $requiredLocales)); } $this->assertEquals('1.2', Inline::dump(1.2)); $this->assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase('fr', setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0)); } finally { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); } } public function testHashStringsResemblingExponentialNumericsShouldNotBeChangedToINF() { $value = '686e444'; $this->assertSame($value, Inline::parse(Inline::dump($value))); } public function testParseScalarWithNonEscapedBlackslashShouldThrowException() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Found unknown escape character "\V".'); Inline::parse('"Foo\Var"'); } public function testParseScalarWithNonEscapedBlackslashAtTheEndShouldThrowException() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); Inline::parse('"Foo\\"'); } public function testParseScalarWithIncorrectlyQuotedStringShouldThrowException() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $value = "'don't do somthin' like that'"; Inline::parse($value); } public function testParseScalarWithIncorrectlyDoubleQuotedStringShouldThrowException() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $value = '"don"t do somthin" like that"'; Inline::parse($value); } public function testParseInvalidMappingKeyShouldThrowException() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $value = '{ "foo " bar": "bar" }'; Inline::parse($value); } public function testParseMappingKeyWithColonNotFollowedBySpace() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Colons must be followed by a space or an indication character (i.e. " ", ",", "[", "]", "{", "}")'); Inline::parse('{foo:""}'); } public function testParseInvalidMappingShouldThrowException() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); Inline::parse('[foo] bar'); } public function testParseInvalidSequenceShouldThrowException() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); Inline::parse('{ foo: bar } bar'); } public function testParseScalarWithCorrectlyQuotedStringShouldReturnString() { $value = "'don''t do somthin'' like that'"; $expect = "don't do somthin' like that"; $this->assertSame($expect, Inline::parseScalar($value)); } /** * @dataProvider getDataForParseReferences */ public function testParseReferences($yaml, $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, Inline::parse($yaml, 0, ['var' => 'var-value'])); } public function getDataForParseReferences() { return [ 'scalar' => ['*var', 'var-value'], 'list' => ['[ *var ]', ['var-value']], 'list-in-list' => ['[[ *var ]]', [['var-value']]], 'map-in-list' => ['[ { key: *var } ]', [['key' => 'var-value']]], 'embedded-mapping-in-list' => ['[ key: *var ]', [['key' => 'var-value']]], 'map' => ['{ key: *var }', ['key' => 'var-value']], 'list-in-map' => ['{ key: [*var] }', ['key' => ['var-value']]], 'map-in-map' => ['{ foo: { bar: *var } }', ['foo' => ['bar' => 'var-value']]], ]; } public function testParseMapReferenceInSequence() { $foo = [ 'a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian', ]; $this->assertSame([$foo], Inline::parse('[*foo]', 0, ['foo' => $foo])); } public function testParseUnquotedAsterisk() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('A reference must contain at least one character at line 1.'); Inline::parse('{ foo: * }'); } public function testParseUnquotedAsteriskFollowedByAComment() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('A reference must contain at least one character at line 1.'); Inline::parse('{ foo: * #foo }'); } /** * @dataProvider getReservedIndicators */ public function testParseUnquotedScalarStartingWithReservedIndicator($indicator) { $this->expectException(ParseException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage(sprintf('cannot start a plain scalar; you need to quote the scalar at line 1 (near "%sfoo").', $indicator)); Inline::parse(sprintf('{ foo: %sfoo }', $indicator)); } public function getReservedIndicators() { return [['@'], ['`']]; } /** * @dataProvider getScalarIndicators */ public function testParseUnquotedScalarStartingWithScalarIndicator($indicator) { $this->expectException(ParseException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage(sprintf('cannot start a plain scalar; you need to quote the scalar at line 1 (near "%sfoo").', $indicator)); Inline::parse(sprintf('{ foo: %sfoo }', $indicator)); } public function getScalarIndicators() { return [['|'], ['>'], ['%']]; } /** * @dataProvider getDataForIsHash */ public function testIsHash($array, $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, Inline::isHash($array)); } public function getDataForIsHash() { return [ [[], false], [[1, 2, 3], false], [[2 => 1, 1 => 2, 0 => 3], true], [['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2], true], ]; } public function getTestsForParse() { return [ ['', ''], ['null', null], ['false', false], ['true', true], ['12', 12], ['-12', -12], ['1_2', 12], ['_12', '_12'], ['12_', 12], ['"quoted string"', 'quoted string'], ["'quoted string'", 'quoted string'], ['12.30e+02', 12.30e+02], ['123.45_67', 123.4567], ['0x4D2', 0x4D2], ['0x_4_D_2_', 0x4D2], ['02333', 02333], ['0_2_3_3_3', 02333], ['.Inf', -log(0)], ['-.Inf', log(0)], ["'686e444'", '686e444'], ['686e444', 646e444], ['123456789123456789123456789123456789', '123456789123456789123456789123456789'], ['"foo\r\nbar"', "foo\r\nbar"], ["'foo#bar'", 'foo#bar'], ["'foo # bar'", 'foo # bar'], ["'#cfcfcf'", '#cfcfcf'], ['::form_base.html.twig', '::form_base.html.twig'], // Pre-YAML-1.2 booleans ["'y'", 'y'], ["'n'", 'n'], ["'yes'", 'yes'], ["'no'", 'no'], ["'on'", 'on'], ["'off'", 'off'], ['2007-10-30', gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 30, 2007)], ['2007-10-30T02:59:43Z', gmmktime(2, 59, 43, 10, 30, 2007)], ['2007-10-30 02:59:43 Z', gmmktime(2, 59, 43, 10, 30, 2007)], ['1960-10-30 02:59:43 Z', gmmktime(2, 59, 43, 10, 30, 1960)], ['1730-10-30T02:59:43Z', gmmktime(2, 59, 43, 10, 30, 1730)], ['"a \\"string\\" with \'quoted strings inside\'"', 'a "string" with \'quoted strings inside\''], ["'a \"string\" with ''quoted strings inside'''", 'a "string" with \'quoted strings inside\''], // sequences // urls are no key value mapping. see #3609. Valid yaml "key: value" mappings require a space after the colon ['[foo, http://urls.are/no/mappings, false, null, 12]', ['foo', 'http://urls.are/no/mappings', false, null, 12]], ['[ foo , bar , false , null , 12 ]', ['foo', 'bar', false, null, 12]], ['[\'foo,bar\', \'foo bar\']', ['foo,bar', 'foo bar']], // mappings ['{foo: bar,bar: foo,"false": false, "null": null,integer: 12}', ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo', 'false' => false, 'null' => null, 'integer' => 12]], ['{ foo : bar, bar : foo, "false" : false, "null" : null, integer : 12 }', ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo', 'false' => false, 'null' => null, 'integer' => 12]], ['{foo: \'bar\', bar: \'foo: bar\'}', ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo: bar']], ['{\'foo\': \'bar\', "bar": \'foo: bar\'}', ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo: bar']], ['{\'foo\'\'\': \'bar\', "bar\"": \'foo: bar\'}', ['foo\'' => 'bar', 'bar"' => 'foo: bar']], ['{\'foo: \': \'bar\', "bar: ": \'foo: bar\'}', ['foo: ' => 'bar', 'bar: ' => 'foo: bar']], ['{"foo:bar": "baz"}', ['foo:bar' => 'baz']], ['{"foo":"bar"}', ['foo' => 'bar']], // nested sequences and mappings ['[foo, [bar, foo]]', ['foo', ['bar', 'foo']]], ['[foo, {bar: foo}]', ['foo', ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['{ foo: {bar: foo} }', ['foo' => ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['{ foo: [bar, foo] }', ['foo' => ['bar', 'foo']]], ['{ foo:{bar: foo} }', ['foo' => ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['{ foo:[bar, foo] }', ['foo' => ['bar', 'foo']]], ['[ foo, [ bar, foo ] ]', ['foo', ['bar', 'foo']]], ['[{ foo: {bar: foo} }]', [['foo' => ['bar' => 'foo']]]], ['[foo, [bar, [foo, [bar, foo]], foo]]', ['foo', ['bar', ['foo', ['bar', 'foo']], 'foo']]], ['[foo, {bar: foo, foo: [foo, {bar: foo}]}, [foo, {bar: foo}]]', ['foo', ['bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => ['foo', ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['foo', ['bar' => 'foo']]]], ['[foo, bar: { foo: bar }]', ['foo', '1' => ['bar' => ['foo' => 'bar']]]], ['[foo, \'@foo.baz\', { \'%foo%\': \'foo is %foo%\', bar: \'%foo%\' }, true, \'@service_container\']', ['foo', '@foo.baz', ['%foo%' => 'foo is %foo%', 'bar' => '%foo%'], true, '@service_container']], ]; } public function getTestsForParseWithMapObjects() { return [ ['', ''], ['null', null], ['false', false], ['true', true], ['12', 12], ['-12', -12], ['"quoted string"', 'quoted string'], ["'quoted string'", 'quoted string'], ['12.30e+02', 12.30e+02], ['0x4D2', 0x4D2], ['02333', 02333], ['.Inf', -log(0)], ['-.Inf', log(0)], ["'686e444'", '686e444'], ['686e444', 646e444], ['123456789123456789123456789123456789', '123456789123456789123456789123456789'], ['"foo\r\nbar"', "foo\r\nbar"], ["'foo#bar'", 'foo#bar'], ["'foo # bar'", 'foo # bar'], ["'#cfcfcf'", '#cfcfcf'], ['::form_base.html.twig', '::form_base.html.twig'], ['2007-10-30', gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 30, 2007)], ['2007-10-30T02:59:43Z', gmmktime(2, 59, 43, 10, 30, 2007)], ['2007-10-30 02:59:43 Z', gmmktime(2, 59, 43, 10, 30, 2007)], ['1960-10-30 02:59:43 Z', gmmktime(2, 59, 43, 10, 30, 1960)], ['1730-10-30T02:59:43Z', gmmktime(2, 59, 43, 10, 30, 1730)], ['"a \\"string\\" with \'quoted strings inside\'"', 'a "string" with \'quoted strings inside\''], ["'a \"string\" with ''quoted strings inside'''", 'a "string" with \'quoted strings inside\''], // sequences // urls are no key value mapping. see #3609. Valid yaml "key: value" mappings require a space after the colon ['[foo, http://urls.are/no/mappings, false, null, 12]', ['foo', 'http://urls.are/no/mappings', false, null, 12]], ['[ foo , bar , false , null , 12 ]', ['foo', 'bar', false, null, 12]], ['[\'foo,bar\', \'foo bar\']', ['foo,bar', 'foo bar']], // mappings ['{foo: bar,bar: foo,"false": false,"null": null,integer: 12}', (object) ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo', 'false' => false, 'null' => null, 'integer' => 12], Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP], ['{ foo : bar, bar : foo, "false" : false, "null" : null, integer : 12 }', (object) ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo', 'false' => false, 'null' => null, 'integer' => 12], Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP], ['{foo: \'bar\', bar: \'foo: bar\'}', (object) ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo: bar']], ['{\'foo\': \'bar\', "bar": \'foo: bar\'}', (object) ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo: bar']], ['{\'foo\'\'\': \'bar\', "bar\"": \'foo: bar\'}', (object) ['foo\'' => 'bar', 'bar"' => 'foo: bar']], ['{\'foo: \': \'bar\', "bar: ": \'foo: bar\'}', (object) ['foo: ' => 'bar', 'bar: ' => 'foo: bar']], ['{"foo:bar": "baz"}', (object) ['foo:bar' => 'baz']], ['{"foo":"bar"}', (object) ['foo' => 'bar']], // nested sequences and mappings ['[foo, [bar, foo]]', ['foo', ['bar', 'foo']]], ['[foo, {bar: foo}]', ['foo', (object) ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['{ foo: {bar: foo} }', (object) ['foo' => (object) ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['{ foo: [bar, foo] }', (object) ['foo' => ['bar', 'foo']]], ['[ foo, [ bar, foo ] ]', ['foo', ['bar', 'foo']]], ['[{ foo: {bar: foo} }]', [(object) ['foo' => (object) ['bar' => 'foo']]]], ['[foo, [bar, [foo, [bar, foo]], foo]]', ['foo', ['bar', ['foo', ['bar', 'foo']], 'foo']]], ['[foo, {bar: foo, foo: [foo, {bar: foo}]}, [foo, {bar: foo}]]', ['foo', (object) ['bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => ['foo', (object) ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['foo', (object) ['bar' => 'foo']]]], ['[foo, bar: { foo: bar }]', ['foo', '1' => (object) ['bar' => (object) ['foo' => 'bar']]]], ['[foo, \'@foo.baz\', { \'%foo%\': \'foo is %foo%\', bar: \'%foo%\' }, true, \'@service_container\']', ['foo', '@foo.baz', (object) ['%foo%' => 'foo is %foo%', 'bar' => '%foo%'], true, '@service_container']], ['{}', new \stdClass()], ['{ foo : bar, bar : {} }', (object) ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => new \stdClass()]], ['{ foo : [], bar : {} }', (object) ['foo' => [], 'bar' => new \stdClass()]], ['{foo: \'bar\', bar: {} }', (object) ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => new \stdClass()]], ['{\'foo\': \'bar\', "bar": {}}', (object) ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => new \stdClass()]], ['{\'foo\': \'bar\', "bar": \'{}\'}', (object) ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => '{}']], ['[foo, [{}, {}]]', ['foo', [new \stdClass(), new \stdClass()]]], ['[foo, [[], {}]]', ['foo', [[], new \stdClass()]]], ['[foo, [[{}, {}], {}]]', ['foo', [[new \stdClass(), new \stdClass()], new \stdClass()]]], ['[foo, {bar: {}}]', ['foo', '1' => (object) ['bar' => new \stdClass()]]], ]; } public function getTestsForDump() { return [ ['null', null], ['false', false], ['true', true], ['12', 12], ["'1_2'", '1_2'], ['_12', '_12'], ["'12_'", '12_'], ["'quoted string'", 'quoted string'], ['!!float 1230', 12.30e+02], ['1234', 0x4D2], ['1243', 02333], ["'0x_4_D_2_'", '0x_4_D_2_'], ["'0_2_3_3_3'", '0_2_3_3_3'], ['.Inf', -log(0)], ['-.Inf', log(0)], ["'686e444'", '686e444'], ['"foo\r\nbar"', "foo\r\nbar"], ["'foo#bar'", 'foo#bar'], ["'foo # bar'", 'foo # bar'], ["'#cfcfcf'", '#cfcfcf'], ["'a \"string\" with ''quoted strings inside'''", 'a "string" with \'quoted strings inside\''], ["'-dash'", '-dash'], ["'-'", '-'], // Pre-YAML-1.2 booleans ["'y'", 'y'], ["'n'", 'n'], ["'yes'", 'yes'], ["'no'", 'no'], ["'on'", 'on'], ["'off'", 'off'], // sequences ['[foo, bar, false, null, 12]', ['foo', 'bar', false, null, 12]], ['[\'foo,bar\', \'foo bar\']', ['foo,bar', 'foo bar']], // mappings ['{ foo: bar, bar: foo, \'false\': false, \'null\': null, integer: 12 }', ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo', 'false' => false, 'null' => null, 'integer' => 12]], ['{ foo: bar, bar: \'foo: bar\' }', ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo: bar']], // nested sequences and mappings ['[foo, [bar, foo]]', ['foo', ['bar', 'foo']]], ['[foo, [bar, [foo, [bar, foo]], foo]]', ['foo', ['bar', ['foo', ['bar', 'foo']], 'foo']]], ['{ foo: { bar: foo } }', ['foo' => ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['[foo, { bar: foo }]', ['foo', ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['[foo, { bar: foo, foo: [foo, { bar: foo }] }, [foo, { bar: foo }]]', ['foo', ['bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => ['foo', ['bar' => 'foo']]], ['foo', ['bar' => 'foo']]]], ['[foo, \'@foo.baz\', { \'%foo%\': \'foo is %foo%\', bar: \'%foo%\' }, true, \'@service_container\']', ['foo', '@foo.baz', ['%foo%' => 'foo is %foo%', 'bar' => '%foo%'], true, '@service_container']], ['{ foo: { bar: { 1: 2, baz: 3 } } }', ['foo' => ['bar' => [1 => 2, 'baz' => 3]]]], ]; } /** * @dataProvider getTimestampTests */ public function testParseTimestampAsUnixTimestampByDefault($yaml, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second) { $this->assertSame(gmmktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year), Inline::parse($yaml)); } /** * @dataProvider getTimestampTests */ public function testParseTimestampAsDateTimeObject($yaml, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $timezone) { $expected = new \DateTime($yaml); $expected->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $expected->setDate($year, $month, $day); $expected->setTime($hour, $minute, $second, 1000000 * ($second - (int) $second)); $date = Inline::parse($yaml, Yaml::PARSE_DATETIME); $this->assertEquals($expected, $date); $this->assertSame($timezone, $date->format('O')); } public function getTimestampTests() { return [ 'canonical' => ['2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z', 2001, 12, 15, 2, 59, 43.1, '+0000'], 'ISO-8601' => ['2001-12-15t21:59:43.10-05:00', 2001, 12, 16, 2, 59, 43.1, '-0500'], 'spaced' => ['2001-12-15 21:59:43.10 -5', 2001, 12, 16, 2, 59, 43.1, '-0500'], 'date' => ['2001-12-15', 2001, 12, 15, 0, 0, 0, '+0000'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider getTimestampTests */ public function testParseNestedTimestampListAsDateTimeObject($yaml, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second) { $expected = new \DateTime($yaml); $expected->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $expected->setDate($year, $month, $day); $expected->setTime($hour, $minute, $second, 1000000 * ($second - (int) $second)); $expectedNested = ['nested' => [$expected]]; $yamlNested = "{nested: [$yaml]}"; $this->assertEquals($expectedNested, Inline::parse($yamlNested, Yaml::PARSE_DATETIME)); } /** * @dataProvider getDateTimeDumpTests */ public function testDumpDateTime($dateTime, $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, Inline::dump($dateTime)); } public function getDateTimeDumpTests() { $tests = []; $dateTime = new \DateTime('2001-12-15 21:59:43', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $tests['date-time-utc'] = [$dateTime, '2001-12-15T21:59:43+00:00']; $dateTime = new \DateTimeImmutable('2001-07-15 21:59:43', new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin')); $tests['immutable-date-time-europe-berlin'] = [$dateTime, '2001-07-15T21:59:43+02:00']; return $tests; } /** * @dataProvider getBinaryData */ public function testParseBinaryData($data) { $this->assertSame('Hello world', Inline::parse($data)); } public function getBinaryData() { return [ 'enclosed with double quotes' => ['!!binary "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="'], 'enclosed with single quotes' => ["!!binary 'SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ='"], 'containing spaces' => ['!!binary "SGVs bG8gd 29ybGQ="'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider getInvalidBinaryData */ public function testParseInvalidBinaryData($data, $expectedMessage) { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp($expectedMessage); Inline::parse($data); } public function getInvalidBinaryData() { return [ 'length not a multiple of four' => ['!!binary "SGVsbG8d29ybGQ="', '/The normalized base64 encoded data \(data without whitespace characters\) length must be a multiple of four \(\d+ bytes given\)/'], 'invalid characters' => ['!!binary "SGVsbG8#d29ybGQ="', '/The base64 encoded data \(.*\) contains invalid characters/'], 'too many equals characters' => ['!!binary "SGVsbG8gd29yb==="', '/The base64 encoded data \(.*\) contains invalid characters/'], 'misplaced equals character' => ['!!binary "SGVsbG8gd29ybG=Q"', '/The base64 encoded data \(.*\) contains invalid characters/'], ]; } public function testNotSupportedMissingValue() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Malformed inline YAML string: {this, is not, supported} at line 1.'); Inline::parse('{this, is not, supported}'); } public function testVeryLongQuotedStrings() { $longStringWithQuotes = str_repeat("x\r\n\\\"x\"x", 1000); $yamlString = Inline::dump(['longStringWithQuotes' => $longStringWithQuotes]); $arrayFromYaml = Inline::parse($yamlString); $this->assertEquals($longStringWithQuotes, $arrayFromYaml['longStringWithQuotes']); } public function testMappingKeysCannotBeOmitted() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Missing mapping key'); Inline::parse('{: foo}'); } /** * @dataProvider getTestsForNullValues */ public function testParseMissingMappingValueAsNull($yaml, $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, Inline::parse($yaml)); } public function getTestsForNullValues() { return [ 'null before closing curly brace' => ['{foo:}', ['foo' => null]], 'null before comma' => ['{foo:, bar: baz}', ['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'baz']], ]; } public function testTheEmptyStringIsAValidMappingKey() { $this->assertSame(['' => 'foo'], Inline::parse('{ "": foo }')); } /** * @dataProvider getNotPhpCompatibleMappingKeyData */ public function testImplicitStringCastingOfMappingKeysIsDeprecated($yaml, $expected) { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Implicit casting of incompatible mapping keys to strings is not supported. Quote your evaluable mapping keys instead'); $this->assertSame($expected, Inline::parse($yaml)); } public function getNotPhpCompatibleMappingKeyData() { return [ 'boolean-true' => ['{true: "foo"}', ['true' => 'foo']], 'boolean-false' => ['{false: "foo"}', ['false' => 'foo']], 'null' => ['{null: "foo"}', ['null' => 'foo']], 'float' => ['{0.25: "foo"}', ['0.25' => 'foo']], ]; } public function testTagWithoutValueInSequence() { $value = Inline::parse('[!foo]', Yaml::PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS); $this->assertInstanceOf(TaggedValue::class, $value[0]); $this->assertSame('foo', $value[0]->getTag()); $this->assertSame('', $value[0]->getValue()); } public function testTagWithEmptyValueInSequence() { $value = Inline::parse('[!foo ""]', Yaml::PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS); $this->assertInstanceOf(TaggedValue::class, $value[0]); $this->assertSame('foo', $value[0]->getTag()); $this->assertSame('', $value[0]->getValue()); } public function testTagWithoutValueInMapping() { $value = Inline::parse('{foo: !bar}', Yaml::PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS); $this->assertInstanceOf(TaggedValue::class, $value['foo']); $this->assertSame('bar', $value['foo']->getTag()); $this->assertSame('', $value['foo']->getValue()); } public function testTagWithEmptyValueInMapping() { $value = Inline::parse('{foo: !bar ""}', Yaml::PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS); $this->assertInstanceOf(TaggedValue::class, $value['foo']); $this->assertSame('bar', $value['foo']->getTag()); $this->assertSame('', $value['foo']->getValue()); } public function testUnfinishedInlineMap() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Unexpected end of line, expected one of ",}" at line 1 (near "{abc: \'def\'").'); Inline::parse("{abc: 'def'"); } }