--- - categoria: Plenarias charlas: - titulo: Diversity of statistical behavior in dynamical systems abstract: For chaotic dynamical systems, it is unfeasible to compute long-term orbits precisely. Nevertheless, we may be able to describe the statistics of orbits, that is, to compute how often an orbit will visit a prescribed region of the phase space. Different orbits may or may not follow different statistics. I will explain how to measure the statistical diversity of a dynamical system. This diversity is called emergence, is independent of the traditional notions of chaos. I will begin the talk by discussing classic problems of discretization of metric spaces and measures. Then I will apply these ideas to dynamics and define two forms of emergence. I will present several examples, culminating with new dynamical systems for which emergence is as large as we could possibly hope for. This talk is based on joint work with Pierre Berger (Paris). pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Jairo Bochi afiliacion: Penn State University web: http://www.mat.uc.cl/~jairo.bochi/ start: 2021-09-16T12:00 end: 2021-09-16T13:00 - titulo: Symmetrical optimal partitions for the Yamabe equation abstract: | The Yamabe equation is relevant in differential geometry. A positive solution to it gives rise to a metric on a Riemannian manifold \((M,g)\), conformally equivalent to its given metric \(g\), which has constant scalar curvature. An optimal \(n\)-partition for the Yamabe equation is a cover of \(M\) by \(n\) pairwise disjoint open subsets such that the Yamabe equation with Dirichlet boundary condition has a least energy solution on each one of these sets, and the sum of the energies of these solutions is minimal. In this talk we will consider partitions with symmetries. We will present some results on the existence and qualitative properties of partitions of this type for the standard sphere that give rise to sign-changing solutions of the Yamabe equation with a prescribed number of nodal domains. These results are joint work with Alberto Saldaña (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) and Andrzej Szulkin (Stockholm Universitet). We will also present some results for more general manifolds that were recently obtained in collaboration with Angela Pistoia (La Sapienza Università di Roma). pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Mónica Clapp afiliacion: UNAM web: https://www.matem.unam.mx/fsd/mclapp start: 2021-09-13T12:00 end: 2021-09-13T13:00 - titulo: Herramientas de geometría algebraica en biología de sistemas abstract: Motivaré e introduciré algunos métodos y conceptos de la geometría algebraica que se están utilizando en los últimos años para analizar modelos estándar en biología molecular. La teoría algebraica de los sistemas de reacciones químicas tiene como objetivo comprender su comportamiento dinámico aprovechando la estructura algebraica inherente en las ecuaciones cinéticas, y no necesita la determinación de los parámetros a priori, que puede ser teórica o prácticamente imposible. También señalaré algunos de los desafíos matemáticos que surgen de esta aplicación. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Alicia Dickenstein afiliacion: Universidad de Buenos Aires web: http://mate.dm.uba.ar/~alidick/ start: 2021-09-17T12:00 end: 2021-09-17T13:00 - titulo: Entropy methods and sharp convergence of Markov Chains. abstract: We describe how entropy methods can be used to derive quantitative versions of various scaling limits of Markov chains. We will focus on the the description of non-equilibrium states of interacting particle systems. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Milton Jara afiliacion: Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada web: https://impa.br/page-pessoas/milton-jara/ start: 2021-09-14T12:00 end: 2021-09-14T13:00 - titulo: Measuring the complexity of countable objects abstract: Computability theory is the sub-area of mathematical logic that studies ways to measure the complexity of objects, constructions, theorems, and mathematical proofs related to countably infinite objects. On one hand, the natural objects seem to be linearly ordered from simpler to more complex, while, on the other hand the general objects are ordered in a chaotic way. This dichotomy between natural objects and objects in general is hard to study mathematically, as we don't have a formal definition of "natural object." The objective of this talk is to introduce Martin's conjecture (open for more than 40 years) and see how it explains this dichotomy. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Antonio Montalbán afiliacion: University of California, Berkeley web: https://math.berkeley.edu/~antonio/ start: 2021-09-15T12:00 end: 2021-09-15T13:00 - categoria: Semiplenarias charlas: - titulo: Eigenfunction concentration via geodesic beams abstract: A vast array of physical phenomena, ranging from the propagation of waves to the location of quantum particles, is dictated by the behavior of Laplace eigenfunctions. Because of this, it is crucial to understand how various measures of eigenfunction concentration respond to the background dynamics of the geodesic flow. In collaboration with J. Galkowski, we developed a framework to approach this problem that hinges on decomposing eigenfunctions into geodesic beams. In this talk, I will present these techniques and explain how to use them to obtain quantitative improvements on the standard estimates for the eigenfunction's pointwise behavior, Lp norms, and Weyl Laws. One consequence of this method is a quantitatively improved Weyl Law for the eigenvalue counting function on all product manifolds. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Yaiza Canzani afiliacion: University of North Carolina web: https://canzani.web.unc.edu/ start: '2021-09-14T11:00' end: '2021-09-14T12:00' - titulo: Unconditional discriminant lower bounds exploiting violations of the generalized riemann hypothesis abstract: | In the 1970’s Andrew Odlyzko proved good lower bounds for the discriminant of a number field. He also showed that his results could be sharpened by assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Some years later Odlyzko suggested that it might be possible to do without GRH. I shall explain Odlyzko’s ideas and sketch how for number fields of reasonably small degree (say up to degree 11 or 12) one can indeed improve the lower known bounds by exploiting hypothetical violations of GRH. This is joint work with Karim Belabas, Francisco Diaz y Diaz and Salvador Reyes, extending unpublished results of Matías Atria. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Eduardo Friedman afiliacion: Universidad de Chile web: http://www.uchile.cl/portafolio-academico/impresion.jsf?username=friedman start: 2021-09-15T11:00 end: 2021-09-15T12:00 - titulo: Estimates for spherical averages abstract: | The family of classical spherical means \(A = \{A_t\}_t>0\) is given by: $$A_t f(x) = \int_{S^{d−1}}f(x-ty)d\sigma(y)$$ where \(d\sigma\) denotes the normalized surface measure on the unit sphere \(S^{d-1}\). E. M. Stein [1] (\(d\geq 3\)) and J. Bourgain [2] (\(d=2\)) proved that the spherical maximal function \(Sf(x):=\sup_{t>0}|A_{t}f(x)|\) defines a bounded operator on \(L^{p}(\mathbb{R}^{d})\) if and only if \(p>d/(d-1)\). Thus, for \(p\) in this range, we have \(\lim_{t\rightarrow 0}A_{t}f(x)=f(x)\) a.e. for all \(f\in L^{p}(\mathbb{R}^{d})\). We consider the variation operator, for all \(1\leq r<\infty\), defined by, $$V_{r}A:=\sup_{N\in \mathbb{N}}\sup_{t_{1}<\ldots2\) if \(d/(d-1)