--- - categoria: Plenarias charlas: - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Jairo Bochi afiliacion: Universidad Católica de Chile web: http://www.mat.uc.cl/~jairo.bochi/ - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Mónica Clapp afiliacion: UNAM web: https://www.matem.unam.mx/fsd/mclapp - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Alicia Dickenstein afiliacion: Universidad de Buenos Aires web: http://mate.dm.uba.ar/~alidick/ - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Milton Jara afiliacion: Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada web: https://impa.br/page-pessoas/milton-jara/ - titulo: A Robuster Scott Rank abstract: The Scott rank was introduced in the 60''s as a measure of complexity for algebraic structures. There are various other ways to measure the complexity of structures that give ordinals that are close to each other, but are not necessarily equal. We will introduce a new definition of Scott rank where all these different ways of measuring complexity always match, obtaining what the author believes it the correct definition of Scott Rank. We won''t assume any background in logic, and the talk will consist mostly of an introduction to these topics. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Antonio Montalbán afiliacion: University of California, Berkeley web: https://math.berkeley.edu/~antonio/ - categoria: Semiplenarias charlas: - titulo: Unconditional discriminant lower bounds exploiting violations of the generalized riemann hypothesis abstract: | In the 1970’s Andrew Odlyzko proved good lower bounds for the discriminant of a number field. He also showed that his results could be sharpened by assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Some years later Odlyzko suggested that it might be possible to do without GRH. I shall explain Odlyzko’s ideas and sketch how for number fields of reasonably small degree (say up to degree 11 or 12) one can indeed improve the lower known bounds by exploiting hypothetical violations of GRH. This is joint work with Karim Belabas, Francisco Diaz y Diaz and Salvador Reyes, extending unpublished results of Matías Atria. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Eduardo Friedman afiliacion: Universidad de Chile web: http://www.uchile.cl/portafolio-academico/impresion.jsf?username=friedman - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Luz Roncal afiliacion: UBCAM -Basque Center for applied mathematics web: https://sites.google.com/view/luzroncal - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Mauricio Velasco afiliacion: Universidad de los Andes web: http://wwwprof.uniandes.edu.co/~mvelasco/Velasco.html - titulo: Weyl groupoids abstract: | The structure of the finite-dimensional semisimple complex Lie algebras and groups is governed by the rich combinatorial notion of root systems. Root systems had then a large number of applications in very dissimilar areas like finite groups and singularities that through them show unexpected connections. Some decades ago root systems appeared again in the study of a large class of Hopf algebras named quantum groups. In the search of understanding the role of these Hopf algebras in the general picture, it was proposed to study some objects called Nichols algebras of diagonal type. The classification of those with finite dimension was obtained by Heckenberger with a generalization of the notion of root system as the primary tool. This notion, axiomatized later by Heckenberger, Yamane and Cuntz, turned to be ubiquitous, appearing naturally in the contexts of Lie superalgebras and modular Lie algebras. The richness and beauty of these generalized root systems with their corresponding Weyl groupoids is just starting to be unveiled. The purpose of the talk is to introduce generalized root systems and Weyl groupoids explaining the relations with Lie algebras and superalgebras, and quantum groups. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Nicolás Andruskiewitsch afiliacion: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba web: https://www.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~andrus/ - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Andrea Rotnizky afiliacion: School of Public Health Harvard T.H. CHAN web: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/andrea-rotnitzky/ - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Helena Nussensveig afiliacion: Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro web: http://www.im.ufrj.br/hlopes/ - titulo: Breathers solutions and the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation abstract: | This talk is centered in the generalized Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation (1) \(∂_tu + ∂_x^3u + ∂_xf(u)=0, x, t ∈ R\). The case \(f(u) = u^2\) corresponds to the famous KdV eq., and \(f(u) = u^3\) to the modified KdV eq. We shall review some results concerning the initial value problem associated to the equation (1). These include local and global well-posedness, existence and stability of traveling waves, and the existence and non-existence of “breathers” solutions. The aim is to understand how the non-linearity \(f(u)\) induces these results. pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Gustavo Ponce afiliacion: University of California web: http://web.math.ucsb.edu/~ponce/ - titulo: Transfer operators and atomic decomposition abstract: Since the groundbreaking contributions of Ruelle, the study of transfer operators has been one of the main tools to understand the ergodic theory of expanding maps, that is, discrete dynamical systems that locally expand distances. Questions on the existence of interesting invariant measures, as well the statistical properties of such dynamics system, as exponential decay of correlations and Central Limit Theorem, can be answered studying the spectral properties of the action of these operators on suitable spaces of functions. Using the method of atomic decomposition, we consider new Banach spaces of functions (that in some cases coincides with Besov spaces) that have a remarkably simple definition and allows us to obtain very general results on the quasi-compactness of the transfer operator acting in these spaces, even when the underlying phase space and expanding map are very irregular. Joint work with Alexander Arbieto (UFRJ-Brazil). pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Daniel Smania afiliacion: Universidade de São Paulo web: http://conteudo.icmc.usp.br/pessoas/smania/ - categoria: Cursos charlas: - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Roberto Imbuzeiro afiliacion: IMPA web: https://impa.br/page-pessoas/roberto-imbuzeiro-oliveira/ - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Sebastian Hurtado afiliacion: University of Chicago web: https://math.uchicago.edu/~shurtados/ - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Isabel Hubard afiliacion: UNAM web: https://www.matem.unam.mx/fsd/hubard - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Yaiza Canzani afiliacion: University of North Carolina web: http://canzani.web.unc.edu/ - categoria: Públicas charlas: - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Eduardo Saez de Cabezón afiliacion: Universidad de la Rioja web: https://belenus.unirioja.es/~esaenz-d/ - titulo: TBA abstract: '' pdf: '' speaker: nombre: Ingrid Daubechis afiliacion: DUKE University web: https://ece.duke.edu/faculty/ingrid-daubechies