{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block content %} {% if closed %} {% set disabled="disabled" %}
Registration has been closed!
For any further questions, please contact: ggdworkshop@cmat.edu.uy
{% endif %}


Tarifa de inscripción:

Categoría Hasta el 30 de Abril de 2020 A partir del 1º de Mayo 2020
Participantes U$S 150 ($UY {{150*40}}) U$S 200 ($UY {{200*40}})
Estudiantes U$S 50 ($UY {{50*40}}) U$S 100 ($UY {{100*40}})
*Incluye todas las actividades del congreso y las pausas de café

El Comité Organizador otorgará un número limitado de becas (no dude en ponerse en contacto con cualquiera de los organizadores locales).

Conference Fees:

Category Until 30 April 2020 From May 1, 2020 until the Congress
Participants U$S 150 U$S 200
Students U$S 50 U$S 100
*Includes all the conference activities and the coffee breaks

A limited number of scholarships will be awarded by the Organizing Team. In case of need, don't hesitate in contacting the organizing committee.

Formulario de inscripción próximamente / Inscription Form coming soon
{% endblock %}